The Road of the World

The Road of the World is a narrative film about a family man called to duty during WWI. When the fight for freedom calls, he must leave his family behind. Powerless, all they can do is pray for peace and hope one day he will return home.

Director(s): Ryan Knight

Genre: Narrative
Running time: 6 min 59 sec

Biography :
A 20-year old from Toronto attending York University, Ryan has produced fourteen films. He has received numerous awards and nominations, most recently three nominations and one honourable mention at the Young Cuts Festival. He teaches filmmaking at the Annex Children's Theatre and works in the Toronto independent film scene.

Filmography :
Norman (to be completed, approx. 20 min), Challin' (1 min) & Pepsi Spot (commercial), Sticks and Stones (9 min), Berserk (8 min), March 32nd (6 min), The Halls of Sleep (13 min), Away from the Line (18 min), Patient (3 min 45 s), Dogma: Plenary Indulgence (12 min), The Cerisy (37 min), The Journey: A Sock's Tale (10 min), Martini Mambo (4 min), EXTRAordinary (34 min, 2002), Innocent Blood (28 min, 2002).