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Collection Profiles
  • Sound Recording
  • Public Electric
  • Electronic Music
  • Washing Machines
  • Cycles
  • Recreational Small
  • Weights and
  • Threshing Machines *
  • Rail
  • Television
  • Industrial Transfers
        and the Art of
  • The Dominion
        100th Anniversary
  • From the Stove to
        the Electric Range
  • Lights! Camera!
        The Karsh of Ottawa

  • The Canada Science and Technology Museum is a place where visitors may take pleasure from observing and learning about the impact of technology and science on everyday life. The Museum’s mandate is to reflect both the history and recent advances in the fields of physical science, communications, space, transportation, and renewable resources, as well as the links between technology and society. It pursues this mandate through collecting, recording, researching, and preserving a wide range of artifacts and information. These profiles have been published in order to heighten the reader’s appreciation of the Museum’s collection, as well as to provide information on the Museum’s purpose in collecting such materials.

    * A similar Collection Profile from the Canada Agriculture Museum may be viewed here.