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A Sampler of scientific Instruments

For millennia measurement has been the basis of much of human activity. We measure more physical objects or phenomena than you can imagine!

The "art of measurement" and new discoveries depend on new understanding of natural phenomena as well as on new apparatus and/or new ways of using existing equipment. The progress of science relies on the ingenious devices created by scientists, engineers and technicians.

A small sampler of artifacts from the Museum's Physical Sciences collection follows. Visit these pages often and you will discover a growing portrait of measuring devices presented in a manner that will challenge you to consider what and how we measure physical phenomena.

See also "Athena's Heirs, 4 Centuries of Canadian Science and Medicine". For more on CSTMs collection, see the "Themes / Doing Science" section.

For more information on our scientific instruments, contact the Director, Collection & Research Division, R.C. Brooks.