Alphabetical list: I

A   B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M   
N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z   
Immigrant population by place of birth and period of immigration (2001 Census)
Immigrant population by place of birth, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)   (5 tables)
Immigrant population by place of birth, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Implicit chain price indexes, gross domestic product
Implicit chain price indexes, gross domestic product (quarterly)
Imports of goods on a balance-of-payments basis, by product
Imports, exports and trade balance of goods on a balance-of-payments basis, by country or country grouping
Incidence of low income among the population living in private households, by census metropolitan area (1996 and 2001 Censuses)   (5 tables)
Incidence of low income among the population living in private households, by province (1996 and 2001 Censuses)   (3 tables)
Income of farm operators
Individuals by total income level, by province and territory   (14 tables)
Induced abortions by age group
Induced abortions by area of residence of patients   (3 tables)
Induced abortions by province and territory of report   (3 tables)
Induced abortions per 100 live births   (4 tables)
Industrial capacity utilization rates
Infant mortality rates, by province and territory   (3 tables)
Insurance — Balance sheet and income statement   (2 tables)
Intellectual property in the higher education sector
Inter-city indexes of consumer price levels   (3 tables)
Internet service providers and related services
Internet use by individuals for educational purposes
Internet use by individuals for government on-line (GOL) activity
Internet use by individuals for medical or health-related information search
Internet use by individuals, by level of Internet privacy concern and age
Internet use by individuals, by location of access, by province   (3 tables)
Internet use by individuals, by selected frequency of use and age
Internet use by individuals, by selected type of connection and region
Internet use by individuals, by type of activity
Internet use by individuals, electronic commerce by destination of orders
Internet use by individuals, Internet shopping by type of Internet shopper and product and service
Investment Services — Balance sheet and income statement   (2 tables)

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