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Labour force and participation rates by sex and age group
Labour force characteristics
Labour force characteristics by age and sex   (2 tables)
Labour force characteristics by age and sex, Canada and selected countries   (2 tables)
Labour force characteristics, population 15 years and older, by census metropolitan area
Labour force characteristics, population 15 years and older, by economic region, by province   (3 tables)
Labour force characteristics, seasonally adjusted, by census metropolitan area (3 month moving average)   (10 tables)
Labour force characteristics, seasonally adjusted, by province (monthly)   (3 tables)
Labour force characteristics, unadjusted, by census metropolitan area (3 month moving average)   (10 tables)
Labour force characteristics, unadjusted, by economic region (3 month moving average)   (6 tables)
Labour force characteristics, unadjusted, by province (monthly)   (3 tables)
Labour force characteristics, unadjusted, by territory (3 month moving average)
Labour force, employed and unemployed, numbers and rates, by province   (3 tables)
Labour force, farm operators by country of birth, by province (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)   (11 tables)
Land and freshwater area, by province and territory
Landed value of fish by species
Life expectancy at birth, by sex, by province
Life insurance benefit payments
Local general government revenue and expenditures   (2 tables)
Local general government revenue and expenditures, by province and territory   (4 tables)
Local government revenue and expenditures
Local government revenue and expenditures, by province and territory   (4 tables)
Local governments, financial assets and liabilities
Local governments, financial assets and liabilities, by province and territory   (4 tables)

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