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Directory of currently available research papers, by topic

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French only Papers
Aboriginal Education (14 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
A Pan-Canadian Research Program For More Inclusive Schools in CanadaPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Aboriginal Education and Training FrameworkMBAll levels 
Aboriginal peoples in Canada’s urban area - Narrowing the education gapStatistics Canada 
Diverting the Mainstream: Aboriginal Teachers Reflect on their Experiences in the Saskatchewan Provincial School System (1998)
SKElementary and Secondary 
Factors that Contribute to Aboriginal Student Success in School in Grades Six to Nine (1998)
SKElementary and Secondary 
Final Report: Research Project - Indian and Metis Education (1998)
SKAll levels 
First Nations Coordinators HandbookBCPost-secondary 
Marginalization, Decolonization and Voice: Prospects for Aboriginal Education in CanadaPCERAAll levels 
Native Education Policy Review (2001)ABElementary and Secondary 
Okiskinahamakewak - Aboriginal Teachers in Saskatchewan's Publicly Funded Schools: Responding to the Flux (1998)
SKElementary and Secondary 
Overview of BC Aboriginal Educational Results (2001)BCElementary and Secondary 
Shared Learnings Integrating BC Aboriginal Content K-10British ColumbiaElementary and Secondary 
The Experiences and Attitudes of Aboriginal Teachers in Provincial Schools (1998)
SKElementary and Secondary 
Accessibility (11 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Access, persistence and financing: first results from the Postsecondary Education Participation Survey (PEPS)Statistics Canada 
Family background and access to post-secondary education: what happened over the 1990s?Statistics Canada 
Government Response to the Report of the Working Group on Accessibility to Post-Secondary Education in New Brunswick May 2001NBPost-secondary 
Literature Review of Postsecondary Education Affordability in Canada (august 2007)CMECPost-secondary 
Postsecondary Accessibility Study (2001)ABPost-secondary 
Report on the Working Group on Accessibility to Post-Secondary Education in New Brunswick (2001)NBPost-secondary 
Student Loans: Is It Getting Harder? Borrowing, Burdens, and RepaymentPCERAPost-secondary 
Study: Is postsecondary access more equitable in Canada or the United States?Statistics Canada 
Too far to go on? Distance to school and university participationStatistics Canada 
Who pursues postsecondary education, who leaves and why: results from the Youth in Transition SurveyStatistics Canada 
Why Are Youth from Lower-income Families Less Likely to Attend University? Evidence from Academic Abilities, Parental Influences, and Financial Constraints - February 8, 2007Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Citizenship and Social Cohesion (4 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
1999 PCERA Symposium ReportPCERAAll levels 
Learning Democracy in a Pluralist Society: Building a Research Base for Citizenship Education in CanadaPCERAAll levels 
Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada - A portrait of early settlement experiencesStatistics CanadaAll levels 
Patterns of citizen participation and the civic core in CanadaStatistics Canada 
Curriculum (1 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Final Report of the Ministerial Panel on Educational Delivery in the Classroom (2000)NLElementary and Secondary 
Demographics (9 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Chronic Low Income and Low-income Dynamics Among Recent Immigrants - January 30, 2007Statistics CanadaAll levels 
Final Report of the Ministerial Panel on Educational Delivery in the Classroom (2000)NLElementary and Secondary 
Study: Changing role of education in the marriage market in Canada and the United States - 1971 to 2001 (Friday, May 18, 2007)Statistics CanadaAll levels 
Study: Gaining and losing literacy skills over the life course - 1994 to 2003 (July 6, 2007)Statistics CanadaAll levels 
Study: Gender differences in university participation - 1977 to 2003Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Study: Rising education of women and the gender earnings gap - 1981 to 2001 (Tuesday, June 12, 2007)Statistics CanadaAll levels 
Study: The high educational aspirations of visible-minority youthStatistics CanadaAll levels 
Study: The impact of human capital on provincial standards of livingStatistics CanadaAll levels 
The K-12 School Profile System: 1997-98 to current yearNLElementary and Secondary 
Early Childhood Education (4 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Early Literacy InitiativeABElementary/Primary 
Preschool Education Training: Skills for Adapting to a Changing SocietyPCERAElementary/Primary 
Primary ProgramBritish ColumbiaElementary/Primary 
Ready, Set, Learn - Helping your pre-schooler get ready for schoolBritish ColumbiaElementary/Primary 
Economic and Social Context (1 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Parent, Student, and Staff Satisfaction - Provincial, District, and School ResultsBCElementary and Secondary 
Equity and Diversity (7 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
1999 PCERA Symposium ReportPCERAAll levels 
A Pan-Canadian Research Program For More Inclusive Schools in CanadaPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Diversity in BC schoolsBritish ColumbiaAll levels 
Inching Toward Inclusion: The Excellence/Equity Dilemma in Our SchoolsPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Literacy and literacy training of francophones in CanadaStatistics Canada 
Literacy in Canada: disparity between francophones and anglophonesStatistics Canada 
School Integration of Children with a Disability in Provinces and Territories in CanadaPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Evaluation and Assessment (18 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (2001)ABElementary and Secondary 
Alberta Students Maintain High Marks on Provincial Tests - News Release Background InformationABElementary and Secondary 
Assessment of St. Thomas University's Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures (September 2003)Maritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
BC Grade 12 Reports to SchoolsBCSecondary 
Evaluation of Career and Employment Services and the Skills Training Benefit, June 2002SKAll levels 
Evaluation of Employment Programs: Final Report, April 2003SKAll levels 
Evaluation of the Job Start/Future Skills Program: Final Report, May 2001SKAll levels 
Evaluation of the Provincial Training Allowance: Final Report, October 2000SKAll levels 
Evaluation of the SSA Scholarship Strategic Initiative: Summary ReportBritish ColumbiaAll levels 
Formative Evaluation of the Canada-Saskatchewan Labour Market Development Agreement: Final Report, December 2001SKAll levels 
Foundation Skills Assessment - Provincial, District, and School ResultsBCElementary and Secondary 
Linking provincial student assessments with national and international assessmentsStatistics Canada 
National and International AssessmentsBritish ColumbiaAll levels 
Post-Secondary Transitions in Alberta: Educational Outcomes of 1998/1999 Grade 12 StudentsABPost-secondary 
Pricewaterhouse Coopers Final Report (2000)NBElementary and Secondary 
Program Examination Results Francophone School Districts (2001)NBElementary and Secondary 
Provincial Testing and Achievement Testing ProgramABElementary and Secondary 
Report Card 2001 Anglophone School DistrictsNBElementary and Secondary 
Finance (29 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (2001)ABElementary and Secondary 
Canada Student Loans Repayment Assistance: Who Does and Does Not Use Interest Relief?Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Education Outline 2000-2001 (2002)NBElementary and Secondary 
Education Statistics - Elementary-Secondary (2000-01)NLElementary and Secondary 
Elementary and secondary education expendituresStatistics CanadaElementary/Primary 
Elementary and secondary education expenditures 2003 (July 27, 2007)Statistics CanadaElementary and Secondary 
Final Report of the Ministerial Panel on Educational Delivery in the Classroom (2000)NLElementary and Secondary 
Financial information of universities and colleges - 2005/2006 (July 10, 2007)Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Financial information of universities and colleges 2005/2006 (May 8, 2007)Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Financial Information of Universities and Colleges SurveyStatistics Canada 
Financial statistics of community colleges and vocational schoolsStatistics CanadaAll levels 
Managing Technology Funding: Best Practices for Alberta School Jurisdictions (1999)ABElementary and Secondary 
Nova Scotia Funding Formula Technical Report, May 1998NSPost-secondary 
Participation in Postsecondary Education: Evidence from the Survey of Labour and Income DynamicsStatistics Canada 
Planning and preparation: first results from the Survey of Approaches to Educational Planning (SAEP) 2002Statistics Canada 
Public Schools Financial (FRAME) and Enrolment Reports (1997/98 to 2001/02)MBElementary and Secondary 
Report of the MLA Post-secondary Funding Review Committee (2001)ABPost-secondary 
Report on Growth and Density Issues Faced by School Jurisdictions (2000)ABElementary and Secondary 
Report on Post-Secondary Research Trends in Atlantic Canada (August 2000)Maritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Salary and salary scales of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universitiesStatistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Salary and salary scales of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universitiesStatistics Canada 
Securing our Future - A Renewal Strategy for Post-Secondary Research in Atlantic Canada (August 2000)Maritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Student Loans: Is It Getting Harder? Borrowing, Burdens, and RepaymentPCERAPost-secondary 
Study: Adult education and its impact on earningsStatistics CanadaAll levels 
Study: Education and earningsStatistics CanadaAll levels 
Study: Who gets student loans?Statistics CanadaAll levels 
Technology Implies LTD plus FTEPCERAElementary and Secondary 
University tuition fees 2006-2007Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Graduate Surveys (31 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
2000 Follow-up Survey with the Class of 1996 Maritime University Graduates (June 2001)Maritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
A Lasting Legacy: The Impact of Family Educational Background on Graduate Outcomes (September 2004)Maritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Alberta Post-secondary Graduate Outcomes Survey: Class of 2003/2004AlbertaPost-secondary 
Building on Strength: Final Report of the 1999 SIAST Committee of Review: March 2000SKAll levels 
CareerSearch 2001 - Employment Experience and Earnings of 1998 Graduates (2001)NLPost-secondary 
CareerSearch: Employment and Earnings of Recent Graduates (1999)NLPost-secondary 
Class of 2000: Profile of postsecondary graduates and student debtStatistics Canada 
Employment Profile Report, 1997-98 Graduates of Ontario Colleges (2000)ONPost-secondary 
English as a Second Language (ESL) Student Outcomes Survey 2003BCPost-secondary 
Finding Their Way: a profile of young Canadian graduatesStatistics Canada 
Five Years After University Graduation: Status of the Maritime Class of 1999 in 2004 - Survey Highlights (November 2005)Maritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Follow-up Survey of Graduates, 2005Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Graduate Employment Rates and Graduation Rates by Program for Private Vocational Schools in Ontario (1998/1999)ONPost-secondary 
Graduate Experience: A Follow-Up of 1997 Post-Secondary Graduates
International Adult Literacy Skills Survey (Canada): Public Use Microdata File and User GuideAll levels 
Manitoba 1999 Post-Secondary Graduate Follow-Up SurveyMBPost-secondary 
National Graduates Survey: Manitoba graduatesStatistics Canada 
New Brunswick Community College Three-Year Graduate Follow-Up Survey 2006 Survey of 2002-03 GraduatesNBPost-secondary 
Post-secondary Institution Graduate Outcomes SurveyAlbertaPost-secondary 
Study: Science and engineering doctorates, April 16, 2007Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Survey of 1999 Maritime University Graduates in 2001Maritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Survey of 2002 New Brunswick High School GraduatesNBSecondary 
Survey of Earned Doctorates (2004-2005) - July 3, 2007Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Survey of Earned Doctorates: A Profile of Doctoral Degree RecipientsStatistics Canada 
The Gender Gap in Employment Outcomes of University Graduates (March 2004)Maritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
The Report of the Follow-up of 1995 and 1996 High School Graduates (1998)NLSecondary 
University Baccalaureate Graduates Survey ReportsBCPost-secondary 
University degrees, diplomas and certificatesStatistics Canada 
University degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded 2004Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Who Stays and Who Leaves: Mobility Patterns of Maritime University Graduates, Class of 1996 in 1997 and 2000 (March 2002)Maritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Human Resources (educators and staff) (13 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Education Outline 2000-2001 (2002)NBElementary and Secondary 
Education Statistics - Elementary-Secondary (2000-01)NLElementary and Secondary 
Elementary and secondary public school enrolments, graduates and educatorsStatistics Canada 
Faculty Recruitment and Retention in the Maritimes (August 2002)Maritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Projections of Teaching Staff in Québec School Boards and Recruitment RequirementsPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Salaries and salary scales of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities, 2001-2002: final reportStatistics Canada 
Salary and salary scales of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities, 2003-2004Statistics Canada 
Salary and salary scales of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities, 2005/2006 (supplementary), August 29, 2007Statistics CanadaAll levels 
Salary and salary scales of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities, 2006/2007 (preliminary) (August 2, 2007)Statistics CanadaAll levels 
Strategies for Faculty Renewal in the Maritimes (October 2003)Maritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Teacher and Administrator Shortages in Changing Times: Avoiding the Dilemma of Saving the Train From Hijackers to Find There's No Train Left!PCERAElementary and Secondary 
Teacher supply and demand: An analysis of current developments in Newfoundland and LabradorPCERAElementary and Secondary 
The Supply and Demand of Elementary-Secondary Educators in CanadaPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Indicators (19 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Credentials granted years 2000 to 2004 aggregated by level of study, major field of study and genderMaritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Education Matters: Insights on Education, Learning and Training in Canada May 1, 2007Statistics CanadaAll levels 
Education Statistics - Elementary-Secondary (2000-01)NLElementary and Secondary 
Enrolments years 2000-2001 to 2004-2005 aggregate by registration status, level of study, major field of study and student permanent province of residenceMaritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Enrolments years 2000-2001 to 2004-2005 aggregated by registration status, level of study, major field of study, gender, age group (5 year intervals) and immigration statusMaritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Guide to data on elementary and secondary education in CanadaStatistics Canada 
Indicators of Success in Teacher Education: A Review and Analysis of Recent ResearchPCERAPost-secondary 
Interactive graphs on credentials grantedMaritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Interactive graphs on enrolments grantedMaritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
International Adult Literacy Survey databaseStatistics Canada 
OECD Regions at a Glance - 2007 (Wednesday, May 30, 2007)Statistics CanadaAll levels 
Ontario College Program Indicator Web Sites (2000)ONPost-secondary 
Profile '96 Education Indicators (1997)NLElementary and Secondary 
Public school indicatorsStatistics CanadaElementary and Secondary 
Quality of School Life Survey (2000-01)NLElementary and Secondary 
Statistical Tables (based on data related to Maritime Post-secondary institutions within the mandate of the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission)Maritime ProvincesPost-secondary 
Study: Streaming in Grade 10 in four provinces (2000) - June 19, 2007Statistics CanadaSecondary 
URLs for Key Performance Indicators Publication of Ontario Universities (2001)ONPost-secondary 
Labour Market Information (23 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
1999 PCERA Symposium ReportPCERAAll levels 
Cohort effects in annual earnings by field of study among British Columbia University graduatesStatistics Canada 
Earnings of couples with high and low levels of education, 1980-2000Statistics Canada 
Education and labour market pathways of young Canadians between age 20 and 22: an overviewStatistics Canada 
Education, employment and income of adults with and without disabilities - TablesStatistics Canada 
Education-to-Labour Market Pathways of Canadian Youth: Findings from the Youth in Transition SurveyStatistics CanadaAll levels 
Employment Profile Report, 1997-98 Graduates of Ontario Colleges (2000)ONPost-secondary 
Graduate Employment Rates and Graduation Rates by Program for Private Vocational Schools in Ontario (1998/1999)ONPost-secondary 
Handbook of Labour Market Information (1998)NBPost-secondary 
Learning, Earning and Leaving: The relationship between working while in high school and dropping outStatistics Canada 
Literacy skills, occupational assignment and the returns to over- and under-educationStatistics Canada 
Literacy, numeracy and labour market outcomes in CanadaStatistics Canada 
Low-paid employment and 'moving up'Statistics Canada 
New Brunswick Occupations in Shortage or Surplus (2001)NBPost-secondary 
Nova Scotia Career Options: An Occupational Handbook for Nova Scotians, 2000-01NSPost-secondary 
Projections of Teaching Staff in Québec School Boards and Recruitment RequirementsPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Relative wage patterns among the highly educated in a knowledge-based economyStatistics Canada 
School, work and the school-work combination by young peopleStatistics Canada 
Schooling, literacy and individual earningsStatistics Canada 
Setting up shop: self-employment amongst Canadian college and university graduatesStatistics Canada 
The labour market impacts of adult education and training in CanadaStatistics Canada 
The Supply and Demand of Elementary-Secondary Educators in CanadaPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Youth in Transition Survey: Update of the education and labour market pathways of young adults (2004)Statistics CanadaAll levels 
Learner Progression, Transitions, and Choices (19 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
1991-2001 Medical School Application StatisticsONPost-secondary 
1997-2000 Law School Application StatisticsONPost-secondary 
2001 Teacher Education Application StatisticsONPost-secondary 
2001 Teacher Education Confirmation StatisticsONPost-secondary 
2001 Undergraduate Application StatisticsONPost-secondary 
Aboriginal Education and Training FrameworkMBAll levels 
At a crossroads: first results for the 18-20-year-old cohort of the Youth in Transition SurveyStatistics Canada 
Education and labour market pathways of young Canadians between age 20 and 22: an overviewStatistics Canada 
In and out of high school: first results from the second cycle of the Youth in Transition Survey, 2002Statistics Canada 
Making ConnectionsBritish ColumbiaPost-secondary 
Post-Secondary Transitions in Alberta: Educational Outcomes of 1998/1999 Grade 12 StudentsABPost-secondary 
School, work and the school-work combination by young peopleStatistics Canada 
Schools and Work: Towards a Research AgendaPCERAAll levels 
Student Transitions: Intentions of Manitoba Senior 4 StudentsMBPost-secondary 
Study: Postsecondary attendance among local youth following the opening of a new university 1981 to 2001 - January 25, 2007Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
The Student Transitions ProjectBCPost-secondary 
Who goes to post-secondary education and when: pathways chosen by 20 year-oldsStatistics Canada 
Who pursues postsecondary education, who leaves and why: results from the Youth in Transition SurveyStatistics Canada 
Youth in Transition SurveyStatistics CanadaAll levels 
Learning Environment and Facilities (12 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (2001)ABElementary and Secondary 
Commission on Class Size and Composition: A Public Discussion PaperMBElementary and Secondary 
Education Outline 2000-2001 (2002)NBElementary and Secondary 
Education Statistics - Elementary-Secondary (2000-01)NLElementary and Secondary 
Factors that Contribute to Aboriginal Student Success in School in Grades Six to Nine (1998)
SKElementary and Secondary 
Final Report of the Ministerial Panel on Educational Delivery in the Classroom (2000)NLElementary and Secondary 
Post-Secondary StatisticsMBPost-secondary 
Public Schools Financial (FRAME) and Enrolment Reports (1997/98 to 2001/02)MBElementary and Secondary 
Quality of School Life Survey (2000-01)NLElementary and Secondary 
Report on Growth and Density Issues Faced by School Jurisdictions (2000)ABElementary and Secondary 
Small Class Size Project: Final Report (2001)ABElementary/Primary 
The K-12 School Profile System: 1997-98 to current yearNLElementary and Secondary 
Learning Outcomes (12 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
1999 PCERA Symposium ReportPCERAAll levels 
Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (2001)ABElementary and Secondary 
Education Matters: Insights on Education, Learning and Training in CanadaStatistics CanadaAll levels 
Education Statistics - Elementary-Secondary (2000-01)NLElementary and Secondary 
Grade 12 Provincial Exam ReportsBritish ColumbiaElementary and Secondary 
Learning OutcomesPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Measuring up: the performance of Canada's youth in reading, mathematics and science OECD PISA Study - First results for Canadians aged 15Statistics Canada 
Post-Secondary Transitions in Alberta: Educational Outcomes of 1998/1999 Grade 12 StudentsABPost-secondary 
Review of the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Action Plan: Final Report, March 2005SKPost-secondary 
School performance of the children of immigrants in Canada, 1994-98Statistics Canada 
Student OutcomesBCPost-secondary 
The Role of University Characteristics in Determining Post-graduation Outcomes: Panel Evidence from Three Recent Canadian CohortsStatistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Lifelong Learning (5 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Adult Basic Education (ABE) Articulation Handbook (2005/06)BCAll levels 
Adult Literacy Cost-Shared ProjectsBCAll levels 
Fostering Teachers’ Lifelong Learning through Professional Growth Plans: A Cautious Recommendation for PolicyPCERAElementary and Secondary 
International Adult Literacy and Skills SurveyStatistics Canada 
Measurement of the Full Scope of LearningPCERAAll levels 
Other (54 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
2003-2004 Education Dropout Statistics ReportNBAll levels 
2004 - 2005 Annual ReportNBAll levels 
2006 Census New Education Module: follow-up reportStatistics CanadaAll levels 
A report on adult education and training in Canada: learning a livingStatistics Canada 
A Statistical Profile of Education and Training in Manitoba 1995/96 to 1999/00MBAll levels 
Accountability ContractsBCElementary and Secondary 
Adult education participation in North America: international perspectivesStatistics Canada 
Alberta Initiative for School Improvement Administrative Handbook (1999)ABElementary and Secondary 
Alberta Initiative for School Improvement: Opportunities and challenges - Symposium at the Annual Meeting of CSSE, Edmonton AB (2000)ABElementary and Secondary 
Alberta Post-secondary Early Leavers StudyAlbertaPost-secondary 
Annual Report (2000)NBAll levels 
Benchmarking adult literacy in North America: an international comparative studyStatistics Canada 
Canadian education and training services abroad: the role of contracts funded by international financial institutionsStatistics Canada 
Canadians with literacy problemsStatistics Canada 
CMEC Reports and PublicationsAll levels 
College Expansion Initiative OverviewMBPost-secondary 
Educating Health Workers: A Statistical Portrait (August 19, 2007)Statistics CanadaAll levels 
Education Quarterly Review / Revue trimestrielle de l'éducation Winter 1997, Vol. 4, no. 4 / Hiver 1997, vol. 4, no 4Statistics CanadaAll levels 
E-STAT - Statistics Canada's interactive learning toolStatistics CanadaAll levels 
Family income and participation in post-secondary educationStatistics Canad 
Graduates of doctoral programs Who are they and what are their post-degree plans?Statistics Canada 
Helping Your Child Learn from Kindergarten to Grade 9British ColumbiaElementary/Primary 
Impact of compulsory school laws on educational attainment and earningsStatistics CanadaAll levels 
International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey: Building on our competenciesStatistics CanadaAll levels 
International Education Strategy (2001)ABAll levels 
Issues in the design of Canada's Adult Education and Training SurveyStatistics Canada 
Literacy scores, human capital and growth across fourteen OECD countriesStatistics Canada 
Literacy skills, occupational assignment and the returns to over- and under-educationStatistics Canada 
Manitoba School Divisions/Districts BoundariesMBElementary and Secondary 
Monitoring School Attendance in Saskatchewan Schools: A Research Project (1999)
SKElementary and Secondary 
Monitoring School Attendance in Saskatchewan Schools: Case Study of an Inner City School: Pleasant Hill Community School: Saskatoon (1999)
SKElementary and Secondary 
Post Secondary Education in Manitoba - Doing Things Differently, Report of the University Education Review Commission 1993MBPost-secondary 
Post-Secondary StatisticsMBPost-secondary 
Priorities for Advanced EducationMBPost-secondary 
Provincial Modernization of School Division BoundariesMBElementary and Secondary 
Quality and Accountability in PSE Research: The Measurement ChallengeAllPost-secondary 
Report of the Independent Study of the Division Scholaire Franco-Manitobaine No. 49 Governance Structure and Election ProcessMBElementary and Secondary 
Rural and urban educational attainment: an investigation of patterns and trends, 1981 - 1996Statistics Canada 
School Councils - Next Steps: Minister's Forum on School Councils. Final Report (1999)ABElementary and Secondary 
School libraries and teacher-librariansStatistics CanadaSecondary 
School performance of the children of immigrants in Canada, 1994-98Statistics Canada 
Schooling, literacy and individual earningsStatistics Canada 
Science and Culture Nexus: A Research Report (1997)
SKElementary and Secondary 
Strategic Directions 2000-2003MBAll levels 
Summary Statistics School Year 2005-2006, March 2006NBAll levels 
The effect of literacy on immigrant earningsStatistics Canada 
The Evaluation of Research Done in Post Secondary InstitutionsAllPost-secondary 
The Role of the Provinces in PSE Research PolicyAllPost-secondary 
Training as a human resource strategy: the response to staff shortages and technological changeStatistics Canada 
Understanding the rural-urban reading gapStatistics Canada 
University enrolment 2003/2004Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
University enrolment 2004/2005Statistics CanadaPost-secondary 
Variation in literacy skills among Canadian provinces: findings from the OECD PISAStatistics Canada 
Working and training: First results of the 2003 Adult Education and Training SurveyStatistics Canada 
Partnerships and Linkages (1 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Schools and Work: Towards a Research AgendaPCERAAll levels 
Pedagogical Practices (1 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Current and Emerging Research on Successful Junior High Schools - The Middle Years, 1997NSPost-secondary 
Policy (2 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Policy guidelines: Special Education Services: A Manual of Policies, Procedures and GuidelinesBritish ColumbiaAll levels 
Public Education System PoliciesNBElementary and Secondary 
School Evaluation and Accreditation (2 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Parent, Student, and Staff Satisfaction - Provincial, District, and School ResultsBCElementary and Secondary 
Study: The dynamics of overqualificationStatistics CanadaAll levels 
School Safety (4 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Focus On Bullying - A prevention program for elementary schoolsBritish ColumbiaElementary and Secondary 
Parent, Student, and Staff Satisfaction - Provincial, District, and School ResultsBCElementary and Secondary 
Safe and Caring Schools Initiative (2001)ABElementary and Secondary 
The BC Safe Schools Strategy - Safe, Caring and Orderly SchoolsBritish ColumbiaAll levels 
Special Needs (6 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Students with Special Needs: ReportsBritish ColumbiaAll levels 
1999 PCERA Symposium ReportPCERAAll levels 
Education, employment and income of adults with and without disabilities - TablesStatistics Canada 
Partners During Changing Times: An Information Booklet for Parents of Children with Special Needs (1996)ABElementary and Secondary 
Shaping the Future for Students with Special Needs: A Review of Special Education in Alberta. Final Report (2000)ABElementary and Secondary 
Students with Exceptional Learning Needs: At-Risk, UtmostPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Structure and Goals of the Education System (4 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
A new understanding of postsecondary education in Canada: a discussion paperStatistics Canada 
Accountability ContractsBCElementary and Secondary 
Final Report of the Ministerial Panel on Educational Delivery in the Classroom (2000)NLElementary and Secondary 
Measurement of the Full Scope of LearningPCERAAll levels 
Student Health (5 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
2000 PCERA Symposium ReportPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Healthy Minds Evaluation Report (2000)NBElementary/Primary 
Report of the Student Health Initiative Evaluation Project (2001)ABElementary and Secondary 
Student Health InitiativeABElementary and Secondary 
The Adolescent Mother: A Developmental or Social Concept?PCERASecondary 
Students At Risk (15 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
2000 PCERA Symposium ReportPCERAElementary and Secondary 
African-Canadian and Other Minority Children and Youth at Risk: Systems and Strategies to Stimulate Survival and ViabilityPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Children and Youth at Risk: Some Conceptual ConsiderationsPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Education Dropout Statistics (2001)NBElementary and Secondary 
Education Outline 2000-2001 (2002)NBElementary and Secondary 
Monitoring School Attendance in Saskatchewan Schools: Case Study of an Inner City School: Pleasant Hill Community School: Saskatoon (1999)
SKElementary and Secondary 
Regina's Hidden Youth: Final Report (1999)
SKElementary and Secondary 
Risky Business? "At-Risk" Designations and Culturally Diverse SchoolingPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Student Loans: Is It Getting Harder? Borrowing, Burdens, and RepaymentPCERAPost-secondary 
Students with Exceptional Learning Needs: At-Risk, UtmostPCERAElementary and Secondary 
The Adolescent Mother: A Developmental or Social Concept?PCERASecondary 
The Contemporary Concepts of At-Risk Children: Theoretical Models and Preventive Approaches in the Early YearsPCERAElementary/Primary 
The Costs of Dropping Out of High SchoolPCERASecondary 
The Resilient Child: Theoretical Perspectives and a Review of the LiteraturePCERAElementary/Primary 
What Have We Learned Documenting and Evaluating School-linked Services for Children and Youth at Risk?PCERAElementary and Secondary 
Teacher Education (21 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
1999 PCERA Symposium ReportPCERAAll levels 
2001 Teacher Education Application StatisticsONPost-secondary 
2001 Teacher Education Confirmation StatisticsONPost-secondary 
Fostering Teachers’ Lifelong Learning through Professional Growth Plans: A Cautious Recommendation for PolicyPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Indicators of Success in Teacher Education: A Review and Analysis of Recent ResearchPCERAPost-secondary 
Integrating ICT’s in Teacher Tr@ining: A Challenging BalancePCERAPost-secondary 
PCERA 2001 ReportPCERAAll levels 
PCERA Symposium Presentations (PowerPoint) 2001PCERAAll levels 
Postmodern Leadership and the Policy Lexicon: From Theory, Proxy to PracticePCERAPost-secondary 
Preschool Education Training: Skills for Adapting to a Changing SocietyPCERAElementary/Primary 
Pre-service Teacher Training Programs: Outcomes of Recent Reforms and New Trends Towards Effective Professional TrainingPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Professional Development for Teaching Technology: Best Practices for Alberta School Jurisdictions (1999)ABElementary and Secondary 
Professional Knowledge and Education TrainingPCERAAll levels 
Quality Indicators for Teacher Training in CanadaPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Quebec’s 1992 Teacher Training Program ReformPCERAPost-secondary 
Teacher and Administrator Shortages in Changing Times: Avoiding the Dilemma of Saving the Train From Hijackers to Find There's No Train Left!PCERAElementary and Secondary 
Teacher Education in the Networked ClassroomPCERAElementary/Primary 
Teacher supply and demand: An analysis of current developments in Newfoundland and LabradorPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Teacher's Guide to Data Discovery (Tuesday, June 5, 2007)Statistics CanadaAll levels 
The Evolving Role of Educational AdministratorsPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Transitions: Becoming a College TeacherPCERAPost-secondary 
Technology and Innovation (27 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
1999 PCERA Symposium ReportPCERAAll levels 
2002 PCERA Symposium Presentations (PowerPoint)PCERAAll levels 
Canadian Research on Information and Communications Technologies: A State of the FieldPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Capacity Building Within and Across Countries into the effective uses of ICTsPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Computer Network Security: Best Practices for Alberta School Jurisdictions (1999)ABElementary and Secondary 
Connectivity and ICT integration in Canadian elementary and secondary schools: first results from the Information and Communications Technologies in Schools Survey, 2003-2004Statistics Canada 
Connectivity and learning in Canada's schoolsStatistics Canada 
Final Report of the Ministerial Panel on Educational Delivery in the Classroom (2000)NLElementary and Secondary 
FOIPP and Technology: Best Practices for Alberta School Jurisdictions (1999)ABElementary and Secondary 
ICT in K-12 education: What [little] we knowPCERAAll levels 
Impact of a Networked Computer-Assisted Project-Based Pedagogy on Motivational Beliefs and Work Involvement of Secondary-level StudentsPCERASecondary 
Information and Communication Technologies in Elementary and Secondary EducationPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Integrating ICT’s in Teacher Tr@ining: A Challenging BalancePCERAPost-secondary 
Managing Technology Funding: Best Practices for Alberta School Jurisdictions (1999)ABElementary and Secondary 
Network Design: Best Practices for Alberta School Jurisdictions (1999)ABElementary and Secondary 
On-Line Learning: Best Practices for Alberta School Jurisdictions (1999)ABAll levels 
Pan-Canadian Research Options: New Information Technologies and LearningPCERAElementary and Secondary 
Professional Development for Teaching Technology: Best Practices for Alberta School Jurisdictions (1999)ABElementary and Secondary 
Students' access to and use of ICTPCERAAll levels 
Study: The link between information and communication technology use and literacy skillsStatistics CanadaAll levels 
Teacher Education in the Networked ClassroomPCERAElementary/Primary 
Technical Support Planning: Best Practices for Alberta School Jurisdictions (1999)ABElementary and Secondary 
Technology Implies LTD plus FTEPCERAElementary and Secondary 
The Digital Divide in Canadian Schools: Factors Affecting Student Access to and use of Information TechnologyPCERAElementary and Secondary 
The Integration and Effectiveness of ICTs in Canadian Postsecondary EducationPCERAPost-secondary 
The Use Of Computer Technology For Literacy Intervention: Factors contributing to the use of computer-delivered skills-based literacy softwarePCERASecondary 
Vision for the Integration of Information Technologies Within the Nova Scotia Public School System, 1999NSPost-secondary 
Training and Apprenticeship (5 titles) [Top/Haut]
Title Jurisdiction Level
Education matters: insights on education, learning and training in CanadaStatistics CanadaAll levels 
I Know How To Do ItPCERASecondary 
Manitoba Training Strategy Consultation DraftMBPost-secondary 
Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Board Annual Report, 1999-2000NSPost-secondary 
Study: A decade-long look at registered apprenticesStatistics CanadaAll levels 

French Only Papers

Title Jurisdiction Level
Indicateurs de l’éducation (édition 2001)QCElementary and Secondary 
Statistiques, financement et octroisMBElementary and Secondary 

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