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Browsing the SACC Manual

The Table of Contents page provides links to the SACC Manual sections. Clicking on a link will produce a summary listing of all the items (e.g., clauses and conditions) from that section that have ever been published in the SACC Manual. To obtain a detailed view of a given item, simply click on its associated link.

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Searching the SACC Manual

The Search SACC page provides an HTML form with which you can specify search conditions to retrieve content from the SACC Manual.

The search conditions are specified by assigning values to the following fields, which will be described shortly. All text fields are case insensitive.

The search form also contains a search button which will initiate the search, and a reset button which will restore the form to its default state. The search result will appear as a new page a few moments after the search button has been clicked.

In order to be included in the search result, an item from the SACC Manual must satisfy all the conditions that have been specified. If a field is blank, it will not be considered in the search.


This field refers to an item's ID. A full or partial ID may be specified by entering one or more characters from the beginning of the ID. Multiple IDs may be specified by inserting one or more spaces between them. If multiple IDs are used, the search result will include the items that match at least one of the IDs.

Examples of ID values and the search result
Value Search result
A Items with an ID that starts with 'A'.
A0 Items with an ID that starts with 'A0'.
A0000C Items with an ID that starts with 'A0000C'.
A0 D30 Items with an ID that starts with 'A0' or 'D30'.


  • Use partial IDs (e.g., 'A0' instead of 'A0000C').
  • Never use the letter 'o' in IDs; it's always the digit '0' (zero).


This field refers to an item's effective date. Values for this field are chosen from a pre-defined list of dates that include current, all and specific publication dates.

Examples of Date values and the search result
Value Search result
current Items whose status is active. Please read the note below.
all All items regardless of their effective date.
Please read the note below.
2002-05-24 Items with an effective date of '2002-05-24' (i.e., May 24, 2002).


The current and all values must be combined with at least one additional search condition (e.g., ID) to prevent obtaining a search result that would contain an excessive amount of items.


  • Check the effective date of the item that you are searching for. Not all items are published for every date.
  • The effective date of the item does not relate directly to the award date of a contractual document.
  • Choose a specific effective date from the list of pre-defined dates and leave the other fields empty. This will return all items that were published on that date.

Textual search

A textual search may be performed on the following item fields:

Values for these fields may be terms, phrases, or a combination of both. Multiple terms and phrases must be separated by one or more spaces. If multiple terms and phrases are used, the search result will include the items that contain all of the terms and phrases.

A full or partial term may be specified by entering three or more characters from the beginning, middle or end of the term.

A phrase is a double-quoted ("...") sequence of two or more terms that will be treated as a single unit for search purposes. A phrase must contain full terms only.

To exclude items that contain certain terms or phrases, insert a single exclamation mark (!) immediately before the term or phrase.

Examples of Textual search values for field f and the search result. Field f may be Title or Text.
Value Search result
contract Items with terms in field f that contain 'contract'. Terms matched include 'contract', 'contracting', 'contractor', 'sub-contract', etc.
contract canada Items with terms in field f that contain 'contract' (see previous example) and terms in field f that contain 'canada'.
"contracts canada" Items with the phrase "contracts canada" in field f.
contract !canada Items with terms in field f that contain 'contract' (see previous example) and without terms in field f that contain 'canada'.
!"contracts canada" Items that do not contain the phrase "contracts canada" in field f. Please see note below.


A search cannot consist of an exclusion condition only. An exclusion condition must be combined with at least one additional non-exclusion condition to prevent obtaining a search result that would contain an excessive amount of items.


This field specifies which part of the SACC Manual is to be searched.

Sections values and the search result
Value Search result
All Items within all sections.
Clauses Only Items within subsections 5A to 5Z (i.e., clauses only).

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About the Last Updated date

Every page on this Web site displays a Last Updated date at the bottom in order to help determine the timeliness of that page's content. What is considered an update varies depending on the type of information under consideration. This Web site follows the conventions detailed in the following table in order to maximize the usefulness of the Last Updated date.

Meaning of the Last Updated date for various pages
Page Last Updated
Table of Contents Release date of the current SACC Manual amendment.
Synopsis Release date of the current SACC Manual amendment.
Search Result Date the search was performed.
Item Detail Effective date of the item.
Other pages Date the page content was updated.

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Downloading files

Instructions to download files to your computer are available for the following browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Windows system

  1. Click on the file link with the right mouse button.
  2. Select Save Target As... from the pop-up menu.
  3. Choose a location to save the file from the Save As... window, then click the Save button.

Macintosh system

  1. Click and hold the file link.
  2. Select Save Target As... from the pop-up menu.
  3. Choose a location to save the file from the Save As... window, then click the Save button.

Netscape Navigator/Communicator

Windows system

  1. Click on the file link with the right mouse button.
  2. Select Save Link As... from the pop-up menu.
  3. Choose a location to save the file from the Save As... window, then click the Save button.

Macintosh system

  1. Click and hold the file link.
  2. Select Save Link As... from the pop-up menu.
  3. Choose a location to save the file from the Save As... window, then click the Save button.

Other browsers

Please consult your browser's user documentation.

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File formats

This Web site offers the following file formats in addition to HTML:


The Portable Document Format (PDF) is developed and maintained by the Adobe® corporation. This format is used to encode documents that preserve their content and formatting information regardless of the computer system they are created and used on.

We recommend downloading the PDF files to your computer. From there, they can be viewed and printed using the Acrobat® Reader® tool which is available (free of charge) from the Adobe® Web site.

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Glossary of useful terms

Significant terms used within this Web site are defined below. The Supply Manual Glossary defines an extensive collection of terms used within the SACC Manual itself.

The sequence of characters and/or digits that uniquely identifies an item in the SACC Manual.
The date on which an item becomes in effect. The date format used for display purposes is "YYYY-MM-DD", where YYYY is the four digits of the year, MM is the month as a number between 01 (January) and 12 (December), and DD is the day of the month as a number between 01 and 31.
The title of an item.
The legal text of an item.
The remarks are intended to provide special instructions that are associated with an item to the contracting officer.
The status of an item must be one of the following:
  • active: the item is currently in effect
  • superseded: the item has been replaced by another
  • cancelled: the item has been cancelled
The section of the SACC Manual that the item belongs to.
The usage of an item will usually be one of the following:
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Full Text versus Incorporated by Reference

Some clauses are used "full text" and conditions and other clauses are used "by reference" in solicitation and contractual documents.

Full Text

"Full Text" clauses are simply those clauses that appear in solicitation and contractual documents in their full text. Although these clauses are, for the most part, included in the SACC Manual, the content of the solicitation or contractual document is what is important. The clauses are also distinguished from "by reference" clauses, in that they do not require a clause ID or a publication date. In the example below, this clause could only be used in the full text of the document, because the dates and dollar amounts would differ from each contract. However, even this full text clause, less the specifics, came from the SACC Manual. The "Derived from" statement following the clause identifies the source as clause C0210C, 31/03/95, if you are interested in seeing the original.

Example Full Text Clause as used in a document
Precontractual Work - BoP Supplement
  1. In consideration of the services provided from 01/01/1997 (start date) up to 31/03/1997 (date prior to the effective date of the Contract), the Contractor shall be paid the sum or $12,275 (GST extra).

  2. For the period from 01/04/1997 (effective date of the Contract) to the Contract completion, the Contractor shall be paid in accordance with the Basis of Payment.

(Derived from - Provenant de: C0210C, 31/03/95)

Incorporation by Reference

General Conditions, Supplemental General Conditions and certain clauses are "incorporated by reference". Simply put, the actual text in force in the contract is written out in full in the SACC Manual, rather than repeating them ad infinitum through all of our documents. We do this in part for reasons of economy and ecology.

Example of Incorporation of General Conditions


Reference to the Minister of Supply and Services or to the Department of Supply and Services contained in any term, condition or clause of this contract shall be interpreted as a reference to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services or to the Department of Public Works and Government Services, as the case may be.


All instructions, general terms, conditions and clauses identified herein by title, number and date are set out in the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual, issued by the Department of Public Works and Government Services (DPWGS), bearing Catalogue No. P60-4/1-1991E and revised as of September 15, 1997.

The SACC Manual may be obtained from the Public Relations and Print Contract Services Sector - Publishing, telephone (819) 956-4802, and may also be viewed on the Government Electronic Tendering Service (GETS), provided by MERX, telephone: 1-800-964-6379, Internet Address:, and all DPWGS procurement offices.


Pursuant to the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act, S.C. 1996, c.16,

(a) the general terms, conditions and clauses identified herein by title, number and date, are hereby incorporated by reference into and form part of this contract, as though expressly set out herein, subject to any other express terms and conditions herein contained.

(b) the 'Conditions' set out in part B of the Standard Instructions and Conditions DSS-MAS 9601 (_____) set out in the SACC Manual are hereby incorporated by reference into and form part of this Contract.

Example of Incorporation of Clauses by Reference


SACC Reference Section Date
D3002C Dangerous Goods Transportation 01/06/91
K9000C Common Ownership Control 31/03/95
M3805C Requisitioning Authority 01/06/91

The clauses above (D3002C, published 01/06/91; K9000C, published 31/03/95; and, M3805C, published 01/06/91) are in full force in the contract, even though they are not directly presented in the text. The full text of these clauses are in the SACC Manual.

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