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 Parliament of Canada
House of Commons Section
Officers and Officials of Parliament Current Officers

^ Agents politiques Senate

NameFunctionTerm (year)
Kinsella, Noël A. Speaker of the Senate 2006 -
Losier-Cool, Rose-Marie Speaker pro tempore 2006 -
LeBreton, Marjory Leader of the Government in the Senate 2006 -
Comeau, Gerald J. Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate 2006 -
Hervieux-Payette, Céline Leader of the Opposition in the Senate 2007 -
Tardif, Claudette Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate 2007 -
Stratton, Terry Government Whip in the Senate 2006 -
Cowan, James Opposition Whip in the Senate 2007 -

House of Commons

NameFunctionTerm (year)
Milliken, Peter Andrew Stewart Speaker of the House of Commons 2001 -
Blaikie, William Alexander (Bill) Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees of the Whole of the House of Commons First new democrat to hold this position 2006 -
Galipeau, Royal Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole 2006 -
Scheer, Andrew Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole 2006 -
Van Loan, Peter Leader of the Government in the House of Commons 2007 -
Goodale, Ralph Edward Official Opposition House Leader 2006 -
Van Loan, Peter Conservative Party House Leader 2007 -
Goodale, Ralph Edward Liberal Party House Leader 2006 -
Paquette, Pierre A. Bloc Québécois House Leader 2007 -
Davies, Libby N.D.P. House Leader 2003 -
Hill, Jay D. Chief Government Whip 2006 -
Redman, Karen Chief Opposition Whip 2006 -
Whip of the Liberal Party 2004 -
Guimond, Michel Whip of the Bloc Québécois 2003 -
Godin, Yvon Whip of the N.D.P. 2000 -
Jaffer, Rahim Conservative Party Caucus Chair 2006 -
Rota, Anthony Liberal Party Caucus Chair 2007 -
Plamondon, Louis Bloc Québécois Caucus Chair 2004 -
Wasylycia-Leis, Judy N.D.P. Caucus Chair 2004 -
Martin, Paul Edgar Philippe Former Prime Minister 2006 -
Harper, Stephen Joseph Responsible for the Conservative Party Research Office -
Rota, Anthony Responsible for the Liberal Party Research Office 2007 -
Duceppe, Gilles Responsible for the Bloc Québécois Research Office -
Layton, Jack Responsible for the New Democratic Party Research Office -
^ Hauts fonctionnaires du Parlement Parliament

NameFunctionTerm (year)
Fraser, Sheila Auditor General 2001 -
Mayrand, Marc Chief Electoral Officer 2007 -
Fraser, Graham Commissioner of Official Languages 2006 -
Marleau, Robert Information Commissioner 2007 -
Stoddart, Jennifer Privacy Commissioner 2003 -
Dawson, Mary Elizabeth Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner 2007 -
Ouimet, Christiane Public Sector Integrity Commissioner 2007 -
^ Greffiers à la procédure et cadres supérieurs Senate

NameFunctionTerm (year)
Bélisle, Paul C. Clerk of the Senate and Clerk of the Parliaments 1994 -
Audcent, Mark Law Clerk 1996 -
Christopher, Terrance J. Usher of the Black Rod 2002 -
Fournier, Jean T. Senate Ethics Officer 2005 -

House of Commons

NameFunctionTerm (year)
O'Brien, Audrey Elizabeth Clerk of the House of Commons First female Clerk of the House of Commons. 2005 -
Bosc, Marc Deputy Clerk of the House of Commons 2005 -
Walsh, Robert R. Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel 1999 -
Lajoie, Marie-André Clerk Assistant 2003 -
Gagnon, André Clerk Assistant 2005 -
Janse, Eric Clerk Assistant 2005 -
Vickers, Kevin M. Sergeant-at-Arms 2006 -

Library of Parliament

NameFunctionTerm (year)
Young, William Robert (Bill) Parliamentary Librarian 2005 -
Finsten, Hugh Associate Parliamentary Librarian 2002 -
Steffler, John Parliamentary Poet Laureat 2006 -

© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.04.17

Revised on: 2007.04.17