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 Parliament of Canada
House of Commons Section
Officers and Officials of Parliament Procedural Officers and Senior Officials

The senior procedural officers and other officials of the Senate exist to serve Parliament. They are responsible for the administration of the Senate as one of the constituent chambers of Parliament.

The officials of the Senate are:

  • the Clerk of the Senate,
  • the Deputy Clerk of the Senate,
  • the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel,
  • the Usher of the Black Rod, and
  • the Senate Ethics Officer (SEO).

House of Commons

The House of Commons has senior procedural officers and other officials, who are responsible for the administration of the House. While appointed by the Governor in Council, they exist to serve the House of Commons, and are part of the legislative branch.

The officials of the House of Commons are:

  • the Clerk of the House,
  • the Deputy Clerk,
  • the Clerk Assistant,
  • the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel, and
  • the Sergeant-at-Arms.
Library of Parliament

The Library of Parliament was established shortly after Confederation, and is currently provided for in sections 73 to 79 of the Parliament of Canada Act. The direction and control of the Library is vested jointly in the Speakers of the Senate and the House of Commons. The control and management of the Library rests with the Parliamentary Librarian, assisted by an Associate Parliamentary Librarian, both of whom are appointed by the Governor in Council.

Since 2001, provision has also been made for the appointment of a Parliamentary Poet Laureate as an officer of the Library, who is appointed by the two Speakers. In 2006, the Parliament of Canada Act was amended to establish the position of Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) within the Library of Parliament. The office holder will be appointed by the Governor in Council. The PBO’s mandate includes providing objective analysis to both Houses and to certain parliamentary Committees of government estimates and evaluating the costs of private Member’s bills and parliamentary initiatives.


© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.04.27

Revised on: 2007.04.27