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 Parliament of Canada
House of Commons Section
Officers and Officials of Parliament Political Officers - House of Commons - Assistant Deputy Chairs of Committees of the Whole
1967 to Date

NameTerm (year)
Scheer, Andrew 2006 -
Augustine, Jean 2004 - 2006
Hinton, Betty 2004 - 2004
Bakopanos, Eleni 2001 - 2004
Thibeault, Yolande 1997 - 2000
Ringuette, Pierrette 1996 - 1997
Kilger, Robert (Bob) 1994 - 1996
Deblois, Charles The motion to appoint Mr. DeBlois was agreed to, on a recorded division. This appears to be the first occasion of a recorded division on the appointment of an Assistant Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole. (Canada. Parliament. House of Commons House of Commons procedure and practice Ottawa : House of Commons, c2000) 1990 - 1993
Pronovost, Denis 1990 - 1990
Champagne, Andrée 1986 - 1990
Charest, Jean J. 1984 - 1986
Guilbault, Jacques 1984 - 1984
Corbin, Eymard G. 1982 - 1984
Blaker, Roderick 1980 - 1982
Scott, William C. 1979 - 1979
Éthier, Denis 1976 - 1979
Morin, Albanie She was the first woman in Canadian history to officially occupy the Chair of the House of Commons. (Canada. Parliament. House of Commons House of Commons procedure and practice Ottawa : House of Commons, c2000.) 1974 - 1976
Boulanger, Prosper 1971 - 1974
Tardif, Paul 1967 - 1968

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the preceding information. Precise appointment dates prior to those listed cannot be determined. Should you find any errors of omissions, please contact us at the following e-mail address: parlinfo@parl.gc.ca. ^

© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15