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 Parliament of Canada
House of Commons Section
Officers and Officials of Parliament Political Officers - House of Commons - Speakers
1867 to Date
The Speaker is spokesperson and presiding officer for the House of Commons. A Member of Parliament (MP) chosen by fellow MPs through secret ballot, the Speaker ensures that all rules and procedures are followed and oversees the administration of the House.

NameTerm (year)
Milliken, Peter Andrew Stewart 2001 -
Parent, Gilbert 1994 - 2001
Fraser, John Allen 1986 - 1994
Bosley, John William 1984 - 1986
Francis, Cyril Lloyd 1984 - 1984
Sauvé, Jeanne First woman Speaker of the House of Commons. 1980 - 1984
Jerome, James Alexander 1974 - 1980
Lamoureux, Lucien 1966 - 1974
Macnaughton, Alan Aylesworth 1963 - 1966
Lambert, Marcel Joseph Aimé 1962 - 1963
Michener, Daniel Roland 1957 - 1962
Beaudoin, Louis-René 1953 - 1957
Macdonald, William Ross 1949 - 1953
Fauteux, Gaspard 1945 - 1949
Glen, James Allison 1940 - 1945
Casgrain, Pierre-François 1936 - 1940
Bowman, James Langstaff 1935 - 1936
Black, George 1930 - 1935
Lemieux, Rodolphe 1922 - 1930
Rhodes, Edgar Nelson 1917 - 1922
Sévigny, Albert 1916 - 1917
Sproule, Thomas Simpson 1911 - 1915
Marcil, Charles 1909 - 1911
Sutherland, Robert Franklin 1905 - 1909
Belcourt, Napoléon Antoine 1904 - 1905
Brodeur, Louis Philippe 1901 - 1904
Bain, Thomas 1899 - 1901
Edgar, James David 1896 - 1899
White, Peter 1891 - 1896
Ouimet, Joseph-Aldéric 1887 - 1891
Kirkpatrick, George Airey 1883 - 1887
Blanchet, Joseph-Godéric (Godric) 1879 - 1883
Anglin, Timothy Warren 1874 - 1879
Cockburn, James 1867 - 1874

© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15