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Annual Report

BDC 2007 Annual Report - Leading

BDC had a very successful year: 27,000 entrepreneurs benefited from our support.

Chairman's Message
President's Message
Key Performance Indicators & Objectives
SMEs: The Economic Environment
Leading with Leaders
  Clients' Testimonials

Additional Information

Management's Discussion & Analysis 
Consolidated Financial Statements 
Corporate Governance 
Board of Directors
Senior Management Team
Five-Year Operational & Financial Summary 

BDC 2007 Annual Report
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BDC 2007 Annual Report - Who we are
The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) is a Crown corporation wholly owned by the Government of Canada. We are accountable to Parliament through the Minister of Industry.
  BDC 2007 Annual Report - What we do
We promote entrepreneurship by providing financing, consulting and venture capital services to Canadians who are creating and growing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These services complement those of private sector financial institutions.
  BDC 2007 Annual Report - Why we do it
When they succeed, entrepreneurs make an irreplaceable contribution to Canada's economy. Supporting them is in our national interest.

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