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Industry Canada's ?Programs and Services ? by Subject? Page Steps to Competitiveness Step 2: Strategic Planning Phase 2: Diagnosis
Step 1: Needs Assessment
Step 2: Strategic Planning
Phase 1: Start Up
Phase 2: Diagnosis
Phase 3: Strategy Formulation & Implementation
Downloadable Forms
Step 3: Financing
Step 4: Technology
Step 5: Human Resources
Step 6: Marketing
Step 7: Partnerships
Step 8: Quality Assurance
Step 9: A New Service

Steps to Competitiveness

Phase 2: Diagnosis

Now that you have segmented your product and/or services and identified the key one(s), you must select one or more for detailed study.

In this phase, you will be diagnosing the key products and services and organization's internal and external environments using the Six Systems Diagnostic Model

Begin your diagnosis by applying this model. This model will help you identify the key internal and external systems or factors directly impacting the overall organization and key products and services you selected for study. It will also aid in determining the strengths and weakness, threats and opportunities (SWOTs) each face. The SWOTs analysis will lay the groundwork for the development of appropriate strategies. The analysis is important to the planning cycle. If the team gets it wrong, or doesn't complete the analysis, the strategic plan won't lead you to where you want to go. 

Phase 2: Diagnosis

The Six Systems Diagnostic Model

This diagnostic model will help you identify and assess the impact that six internal and external factors have on the overall organization and its key products and services.

Appropriate generic checklists are provided below to assist you in identifying factors that give rise to the the external opportunities and threats and internal strengths and weaknesses facing your key product and service groupings and the overall organization. There may be certain factors which are common to your specific industry sector and not mentioned on our generic forms. Simply identify them and list them in the space provided on the checklist. Copies of these checklists are available for download.

Threats and opportunities to products and service groupings will emerge from external systems such as:

  1. the business Environment in which it operates, 
  2. the Markets and Clients it serves, and 
  3. its Industry structure and Competitive position. 


Strengths and weaknesses to product and service groupings will emerge from internal systems such as:

  1. the Marketing mix of the business (price, promotion, product and place - the 4Ps), 
  2. the Internal resources of the business (human resources. culture, systems, processes and management skills), and 
  3. the Inputs of the business (money, man-power, material and machines - the 4 Ms) 

In addition to the above mentioned checklists, more detailed external and internal system forms are available to assist you with your analysis and are available for download. However, the checklists should be completed before entering information on the more detailed forms. Only the more important factors should be transcribed onto the various forms and then rated and discussed with the planning team members.

Key Issues and Challenges

Key Issues and Challenges

Using all the information developed during its SWOT analysis, the team can now move on to summarizing the most important internal and external challenges facing the organization and its key products and services. The Diagnosis Summary Form is a useful tool for this purpose. Once these major challenges have been identified, recorded and their importance rated, the team will be in a position to define the key issues facing the organization.

This will complete the diagnosis element of Phase II. The team can now continue on to Phase III to develop the appropriate strategies to address these issues.


System I - Environment

The environment in which an organization operates is impacted and influenced by Government, the Economy as well as Socio-Demographic and Technology factors (GEST). Review these factors, ascertain their relevancy and determine their impact on your markets. While not all of these generic factors will necessarily apply to your situation, the System I Form - Environment will help you record the ones which have a bearing on your company. Feel free to record additional factors which do not necessarily fit under these headings but yet mpact on access to your markets.


System 1 Checklist- Environment System Factors

A. Government -             Is it Important?
Yes  No 
Government stability 
Available grants and subsidies 
Taxation policies 
Competition from Crown Corporations or Government 
Trade Barriers, Import Quotas, Custom Duties 
Legislation and regulation 
B. Economy Is it important?
Yes  No 
The general health of the economy 
Interest rates 
Exchange rates 
Unemployment rate 
Housing Starts 
Gross National Product (GNP) 
Price Indices 
C. Socio-Demographic

C.1 Social

  Is it important?
Yes  No 
Prevailing Values 
Wealth distribution 
Health and Well Being 
C.I Demographic    Is it important?
Yes  No 
Demographic Growth 
Aging of Population 
Size of Families 
Geographic Population Shifts 
Disposable Income 
Women on the Market Place 
Gross National Product (GNP) 
D. Technology Factors Is it important?
Yes  No 
Availability of newer technology 
Possibility of future advancements in process or product technologies 
Rate of anticipated technological evolution 
Management related technology 
Communication technology 

System II - Markets and Clients

The essential aspect of the market and client analysis is to evaluate your position in the market and determine where you stand with your clients. Also, by looking at markets and sales, you should also examine opportunities existing for new products or services as a means of increasing sales.

For each product or service, try to identify the following elements:

Market product/service sales as a percentage of total sales net profit as a percentage of total sales the trends in the market (qualitative and quantitative)
  • average market growth (past and future)
  • the average sales growth (past and future)
  • describe the general trends in the market
Clients current and evolving client needs bargaining power of customers (high, medium, low) total number of customers how many customers account for 50% of your sales?

You may wish to summarize on one sheet all the information pertaining to one product or service, which will force you to synthesize the information and focus only on highlights.

The number of customers accounting for 50% of the sales is an important factor to evaluate. When a few customers account for half or more of the sales volume, profitability can increase because of lower marketing, transportation and other costs. However, the vulnerability of the product or service increases should an important number of customers stop purchasing.


System III - Industry and Competition

An industry is defined as a set of competitors selling similar or substitute products or services. The industry and competition factors are two elements which are particularly important to consider in the strategy formulation phase. A thorough analysis will provide you with a good assessment of the comparative positioning of your company in its industry sector. The System III Form - Industry and Competition will help the team with its analysis following which it should be able to determine the relative importance of certain competitive factors.

System III Checklist- Industry and Competition System Factors

A. Industry Structure Is it important?
Yes  No 
Economy of scale 
Is there an optimal size for the organization 
Entry barriers 
Exit barriers 
Dynamism, Innovation (product, process, service or technological) 
Obsolescence of product/service 
Customers and suppliers' leverage 
Capital intensity 
Labor intensity 
Size of any inventory requirements 
Replacement cost of fixed assets 
B. Competition Is it important?
Yes  No 
Number and concentration of competitors 
Competitive intensity 
Market dominance by competitors 
Foreign competition 
Competition from substitute services 
New entrants 
Recent Exits 

System IV - Outputs

The objective of this system is to challenge current perceptions and bring about a major rethink of your marketing strategies. Outputs such as the quality of the service, its price, the sales representation, promotion and distribution should be analyzed in detail. The System IV Form - Outputs will help in your analysis.

System IV Checklist- Outputs System Factors

A. Services Is it important?
Yes  No 
Range of services/products 
New service or product introduction 
Life cycle of service 
B. Price Is it important?
Yes  No 
Price elasticity 
Relative price to competition 
C. Promotion Is it important?
Yes  No 
Packaging, Merchandizing 
D. Distribution    Is it important?
Yes  No 
Variety of channels 
Bargaining power of distribution channels 
E. Service Is it important?
Yes  No 
Maintenance and repair 
Transport and installation 
Credit terms 

System V - Internal Resources

This system examines the internal resources of the organization, selecting the most important factors which affect the company either positively or negatively.The System V - Internal Resources Form will help you analyze your organization in terms of important factors such as operations, administration, R&D, human resource capabilities, and management philosophy. The following diagnosis checklist will help to ensure that you have considered all the major factors.


System V Checklist - Internal Resources System Factors

A. Production    Is it important?
Yes  No 
Production facilities and layout 
Capacity utilization 
Quality control 
Process, work methods and service technology 
License, Patents, Trademarks 
B. Marketing, Research
and Development
Is it important?
Yes  No 
Marketing, Research and Intelligence 
Market development 
Sales force effectiveness 
R&D Process 
R&D Product 
Sales concentration 
Goodwill, Brand Name, Image 
C. Administration Is it important?
Yes  No 
Accounting function 
Finance function 
Personnel management function 
Purchasing function 
Remuneration systems 
Systems and procedures 
D. Human Resources Is it important?
Labor  Yes  No 
- unionization 
- costs 
- availability and skills 
- productivity
E. Management Is it important?
Yes  No 
Board of directors 
Senior management 
Middle management 
Strategic planning 

System VI - Inputs

There is no particular form for the input analysis. However, the planning team should consider the following.

  • Major inputs purchased and their costs,
  • The reliability of suppliers, associates and the degree of reliance on any one.
  • Availability of manpower, materials and technology
  • General analysis of investments, managerial systems and
  • The key supply issues, the opportunities, the problems, the risks and the vulnerability of the enterprise.

System VI Checklist- Inputs System Factors

Is it important?
Yes  No 
Man power 
Machinery and equipment 
Information, know how 
Raw material and components 
Fuel, energy 
Number and concentration of suppliers 
Importance of company to the suppliers 
Bargaining power of suppliers 

Diagnosis Summary Form

Now that you have completed the diagnosis of the internal and external systems, the team's findings should be summarized. Use the Diagnosis Summary Form available for this purpose.

After completing the form, you should summarize the key issues in a few sentences, explaining if they are patterns, trends, or problem areas. See if they are opportunities which can be exploited.

Remember that key issues and or challenges can include positive and negative statements. They should not simply be viewed as problems. Now that your diagnosis is complete, you may now continue the process with the development of strategies and tactics in Phase III.

Created: 2003-03-21
Updated: 2003-12-16
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