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You volunteer for the Army, but your family joins the lifestyle too

Strong families mean soldiers focused on the mission at hand. The Army has many local, regional, and national organizations dedicated to families.
Each base has a Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC), packed with educational and fun programs, support services, volunteers and professionals dedicated to supporting the military family. Search the nearest MFRC with an Internet search request; i.e. “Military Family Resource Centre Petawawa.

“Our local MFRC has dozens of programs for all ages of kids, if you are home alone it is because you choose to be.”

Separations due to training and deployments are a part of military life. You and your family will get good at nurturing relationships long distance, making creative “care packages” for missed events, “chatting” by email and knowing how valuable the latest digital photo really is.

The Mission Information Line (MIL) is a toll free, bilingual telephone service for families of Canadian military personnel serving in operations outside Canada. Check out their site for more family support information.

The Invisible Ribbon - Supporting military families

 Updated: 2007-11-14 Top of Page Important Notices