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Program Highlights

We're proud of everything we've put on the air. But we've selected a few prize-winning items and special programs from past seasons that you might want to hear.


Jody's War -- Rick MacInnes-Rae won a silver medal in the 2007 New York Radio Awards for his sensitive bedside report with a Canadian soldier, back in Canada, who lost both feet to a trip-wire bomb in Afghanistan. Jody's War ran on February 8, 2007.

Listen to Jody's War

CBC's Jennifer Westaway's piece on homelessness in Los Angeles won Amnesty International Canada's audio/video media award for 2006. She looked at how the second-largest city in America is, in the words of the its own mayor, the capital of homelessness in America, and why it includes so many African-Americans

Listen to Jennifer's award winner

Impeach, Inform And Unite -- Dispatches was one of the CBC programs that were honoured at the 2006 New York Radio awards. Our program of June 15, about the hardening of politics in The United States, received a silver medal.

Listen to Impeach, Inform And Unite
The program featured documentaries by the CBC's Michael Colton and Rick MacInnes-Rae.

The Garbage People Of Cairo -- September 24, 2003
The Zabbeleen have built a social revolution from things most people throw out. Rhoda Metcalfe's documentary on how modernisation now threatens to force them back down the food chain won both a 2003 Canadian Association Of Journalists award and a Gabriel Award for 2003.

Too Many Reasons To Die: the culture of death in rural Turkey. (June 4, 2003) How ritual, honor and tradition conspire to kill women. Declan Hill's story of murder, suicide, Mustafa Seven, and the stoning of Shamsiye Allack won Amnesty Canada's Boradcast Media Award for 2003.

Listen to Part One of Declan's documentary
Listen to Part Two of Declan's documentary

Water Wars: The Middle East is staring at a water shortage. And with water, as with oil, the emergence of haves and have-nots is loading tensions on a troubled region. Margaret Evans feature of January 29, 2003 was a Canadian Association of Journalists finalist. Listen to Part One of Margaret's documentary

Listen to Part Two of Margaret's documentary

Jordan's late King Hussein used to say he couldn't imagine that his country would ever again go to war with Israel, except over water." It's a commodity with a great peacetime potential. But in Israel's complicated hydro-politics, it can also be a provocation. Listen to Part Three of Margaret's documentary

Muna's Story
audio fileJanuary 17, 2001; Honorable Mention 2001 Amnesty International Canada Award) is Vera Frankl's report on how music helped rehabilitate a child victim of torture.

Gee's Bend: The Crossing audio fileFebruary 14, 2001; Winner 2001 Amnesty International Canada's Braodcast Media) is Bruce Edwards's story of a mostly-black and a mostly-white town on opposite sides of the Alabama River - and plans to restore a ferry that was shut down during civil-rights protests in the 60s.

Who Killed Father One Speed? audio fileSeptember 5, 2001; Finalist for best radio documentary Canadian Association of Journalists 2002) is Rick MacInness-Rae's account of a Canadian priest murdered in Jamaica in the spring of 2001.

The Headchoppers audio fileMay 16, 2001; Gold Medal, New York Radio Awards 2002 (finalist, CAJ 2002) is Rhoda Metcalfe's documentary on how right-wing paramilitaries take over a town in Colombia.


May 7, 2007 - Justice And The Next Life CBC's Michael McAuliffe's journey through Cambodia, to find most people in this Buddhist country believe that cleansing the souls of the millions who were murdered in the genocide there -- and allowing them to pass into the next life -- is more important than tribunals for the few surviving mass murderers. Listen to Justice And The Next Life

Dispatches and the CBC News Democracy Project -- an ongoing series of insights into the successes and setbacks of democracy in the world today. It began with an extended edition of Dispatches, December 21, 2006.

December 21 Dispatches, The Paradox of Democracy, and links to other parts of the CBC News Democracy Project

cbc.ca's part of this CBC News democracy project
offers background and interactive material as well as posting further reports from our correspondents -- that also aired on CBC Radio News's The World At 6 and The World This Weekend.

click here to get to cbc.ca's The Democracy Project

June 15, 2005 - Zimbabwe: The Exodus Within

In a full-edition special, our documentary looks at how president Robert Mugabe uses terror tactics to push people out of Zimbabwe's major cities and into the countryside, with devastating effect. And in an exclusive interview, the Catholic Archbishop some call Zimbabwe's Desmond Tutu, says Mugabe is suffering brain damage, compounded by megalomania. And its time the people put him out of office. . Listen to the entire program in RealAudio

March 16, 2005 - The Plight of the Pygmies

From Camaroon's rain forest, reporter Carolyn Dempster reports on the struggle of the Baka. Listen to Carolyn's documentary

March 09, 2005 - The Marshall Islands

There's something wrong in the Marshall Islands. Babies are born with old faces, and worse. And the culture of this distant atoll has been deformed too. Nearly 60 years ago, the Americans went looking for someplace to set off nukes. The people there moved aside for the tests, but they didn't move far enough, as we learned in this documentary from David Kattenburg.


January 2005 - Tsunami Coverage

Thailand - CBC correspondent Michael McAuliffe reports from Phuket,Thailand soon after the waves hit.. Listen to Michael's debrief

Indonesia - The CBC's James Murray's files from Indonesia, a country that suffereed the brunt of casualites. Listen to James's debrief

Sri Lanka - The CBC's Bruce Edwards reports. on the flow of aid to Sri Lanka.

India - A look at how India's caste system affects aid to a group known as the Untouchables. Canadian journalist Richard Phinney has spent a good deal of time among them and explains their lowly place in the culture. Listen to Richard's report. Annie Namala is with the National Campain on Dalit Human Rights. Listen to her account of the aid situation three days after the Tsunami.


January 2005 - Same Bed, Different Dreams : China's Great Leap to Capitalism.

Cars and Capitalism - Listen to Rick's full-edition report from Shanghai onhow cars are the driving force of change in China.

Profits for Pirates - Listen to Rick's documentary about the culture of counterfetiting in China.

Communism and Cola - Listen to Bruce Edward's documentary on Wahaha Cola China's answer to Coke.

Little Emperors - a look at the sometimes-spoiled offspring of China's one-child policy. Listen to Rick's documentary on the Little Emperors

Migrant Workers - Listen Rick's documentary on the widening gap between rich and poor in China.

China's rising, but what about its competitors? Listen to Jonathan Kent's documentary on the impact China is having on its neighbours.


September 08, 2004 - War by Other Means

Rick returns to Bosnia to uncover deadly contradictions of post-war Bosnia.

Nine years after the war, the country is still a minefield. So are its politics, and its memories. So why is it being called "a little miracle of peace", by some; by others, "a perfect nightmare?" Listen to War By Other Means

May 2, 2004 Dispatches and CBC Radio's Global Village teamed up for a 90-minute special -- India: Tradition And Transformation -- featuring CBC reporters Piya Chattopadhyay and Stephen Puddicombe. Hear the audio, see the pictures they took -- and read their reports.

February 25, 2004 Skull And Cellphones; life and death in Haiti. CBC's David Gutnick found one woman in Montreal's Haitian community who alone supports 47 people back home. He followed her meagre money from Canada to Haiti, as it trickles down to the poorest.

audio file September 10, 2003 Privatized Peacekeepers; contracting out international security.

audio fileJanuary 22, 2003 -- The United States embraces State Sponsored Assassination.

audio fileNovember 13, 2002 -- War Crimes And The War Correspondents' Dilemma -- should they testify at War Crimes Tribunals and risk becoming targets too?

audio fileSeptember 11, 2002 -- Homeland Insecurity: Muslims in America.

audio fileSeptember 4 2002 -- Power and Instability: Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

audio fileJanuary 30, 2002 -- Foreign Aid Fiddle; The IMF and Mali.

audio fileSeptember 26 and audio fileOctober 3, 2001 -- The World Reacts To Terrorism

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Back to top of current page When Warriors Become Children Again (audio fileDecember 19, 2001) is David McLauchlin's look at children kidnapped and forced to kill for the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda.

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