Government of Yukon

Online Services

BizPaL - Online Business Permits and Licences
Answer a short series of questions about business and receive a customized list of potential permits and licences you will need from all levels of government.

Hansard Search
Get copies of Hansard from Queen’s Printer or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Liens - Personal Property Security Registrations
Search for public notices of liens, or registered security interests between secured parties (creditors) and debtors.

Motor Vehicle Online Registration (Renewal)
Renew your Yukon Motor Vehicle registration on-line. Convenient, fast and secure renewal for all your vehicles, trailers and recreational vehicles. Renew your licence plate stickers online and proof of registration will be mailed to you.

Reporting a workplace injury of illness (for a worker)
Report workplace injuries or illnesses online.

Reporting workplace injury or illness (for an employer)
Report a worker's illness or injury online, to the Yukon Workers' Comensataion Health and Safety Board.

Source list
You can register online for the Source List, a directory of contractors, suppliers of goods and services, and consultants who want to do business with the Yukon government.

Student Financial Assistance (apply online)
Five programs provide financial help to Yukon post-secondary students. These include the Yukon Grant, the Student Training allowance, the Yukon Excellence Awards, Canada Student Loan programs and a variety of scholarships. Apply online today.

Student Training and Employment Program (STEP) for employers
Government and non-government employers can apply for a wage subsidy to help provide summer jobs for Yukon post-secondary students.

Student Transcripts and Records Request
Current and former students can access copies of their official Transcript of Grades, and/or their student records. Fill out an online transcript request form.

Telephone book (Yukon government staff listings)
Search for employees online or get copies of the government telephone directory from Queen's Printer or the Inquiry Centre on the main floor of the Yukon Government Administration Building.

Tendering Forecast
Search online for all projects that might be tendered in the current fiscal year.

Yukon Business Directory
Puts you in touch with Yukon businesses. To find a Yukon business, simply enter a keyword, business name, category or location using the search fields.