
MoFR Research Publications page

Reports / Series

Reports by Location:

Royal Commissions of Inquiry, Forestry

Videos (available for download)

Reports / Series


Reports by Location

Ministry of Forests and Range


Ministry of Environment


MoAL - Integrated Land Management Bureau

Land Use Planning


Integrated Land and Resource Registry

  • Index - information on 250 different legal interests on Crown land (tenures, regulated uses, land and resource use restrictions, and reservations), visually represented on a map.

Natural Resource Information Centre

  • Index - data sources provided by various ministries and agencies from the British Columbia Natural Resource Sector. The focus is on spatial and attribute data and associated applications that allow display and interaction with the data.

Land Information BC (includes some older MSRM webpages)


Reports by Other Agencies

  • British Columbia Register of Great Trees

  • Canadian Forest Service Bookstore

  • Canadian Species at Risk (Cdn Wildlife Service - COSEWIC)

  • COFI Forestry Statistics

  • Conifer Defoliating Insects of British Columbia (CFS)

  • Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management
  • Field Guide to Noxious Weeds and other Selected Weeds of British Columbia

  • Forest Entomology Textbook - Fetch 21

  • Forest Investment Account (FIA)

  • Forest Renewal BC - Reports

  • Forest Stewardship Plans
  • Fraser River Estuary Management Program

  • Guide to Agroforestry in BC

  • Habitat Atlas for Wildlife at Risk (BC Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection)

  • How to Prune Trees (USDA Forest Service)

  • Integrated Pest Management Manuals - includes landscape pests, home/garden pests, & structural pests in BC

  • International Union of Forest Research Organizations  (IUFRO)
  • Landowner's Guide to Building Forest Access Roads  (USDA Forest Service)

  • Managing your Woodland

  • Ministry of Finance & Corporate Relations - includes: Estimates, Public Accounts, BC Economic Review & Outlook, and the Provincial Budget

  • Natural Resources Canada publications

  • Plant Disease Control (Oregon State University Extension)

  • PNW Insect Control Handbook (OSU Extension)

  • PNW Weed Management Handbook (OSU Extension)

  • Resources Information Standards Committee

  • Silvics of North America

  • Species & Ecosystems at Risk in British Columbia

  • State of Canada's Forests

  • Terrain Classification System for British Columbia

  • USDA Forest Service

  • US Geological Survey

  • Watershed Restoration Technical Publications (note - this page lists a number of BC MoE wildlife series)

  • Wood handbook - wood as an engineered product.  (USDA Forest Service)

  • Woody Plant Seed Manual (USDA Forest Service)

  • World Dictionary of Trees
  • Top

    Royal Commissions of Inquiry, Forestry

    • Timber and Forestry (1909 -1910) - Fred J. Fulton, Chairman

    • The Forest Resources of British Columbia (1945) - The Honourable Gordon McG. Sloan, Commissioner

    • The Forest Resources of British Columbia (1956) - The Honourable Gordon McG. Sloan, Commissioner
      Volume 1  & Volume 2

    • Timber Rights and Forest Policy in British Columbia (1976) - Peter H. Pearse, Commissioner
      Volume 1 & Volume 2 

    • Forest Resources Commission - The Future of our Forests (1991) - A.L. (Sandy) Peel, Chairman  
      -  Background Papers


    Last updated June 2007.