Symbol of the government of Quebec

Info-Guide – Multimedia, Culture and Communications

Last Verified: 2007-02-27

The purpose of this Info-Guide is to provide you with information about programs and resources related to the multimedia, culture and communications sectors and made available to you by the federal and provincial governments, the private sector, and certain non-governmental organizations.

In addition, we suggest you consult the other Info-Guides listed at the end of this document.

This Info-Guide was developed by Info entrepreneurs in collaboration with the Canada Business Network.
Note: The documents given as references in the text can be consulted on our Web site or be requested from our information agents.


  1. Definitions
  2. Support organisations
  3. Training, mentoring and networking   
  4. Financing
  5. Tools and other resources    

1. Definitions

Multimedia companies are establishments engaged primarily in the development and/or publication of interactive digital presentations integrating sound and fixed or moving images along with traditional text and digital content. These establishments may also supply goods and services of other kinds, including software services, advertising services, and other corporate services, as well as cultural products such as films, audio or video, printing, and publication. (Source: Strategis, Industry Canada)

TheInvestment Canada act, defines acultural business as a business carrying on: the publication, distribution or sale of books, magazines, periodicals or newspapers in print or machine readable form; the production, distribution, sale or exhibition of films or video recordings, audio or video music recordings; the publication, distribution or sale of music in print or machine readable form; or radio communication in which the transmissions are intended for direct reception by the general public, any radio, television and cable television broadcasting undertakings and any satellite programming and broadcast network services.

2. Support organisations

Centre d'entreprises et d'innovation de Montréal CEIM)
The Centre d'entreprises et d'innovation de Montréal (CEIM) is a non-profit organisation operating mainly in the greater Montréal area and is devoted to the creation and development of new businesses in the new technology and life sciences. It serves as an incubator for businesses and provides a number of services, including specialised consultation, training workshops (business development, management and marketing support) and rental of office spaces. For more information, consult our document Centre d'Entreprises et d'Innovation de Montréal (CEIM), call 514 866-0575 extension 200,  or visit

Centre de l’entrepreneurship technologique – Centech
The Centre de l’entrepreneurship technologique (Centech) was founded to facilitate the creation of companies by students and graduates of the École de technologie supérieure.  This support structure focuses on the critical pre-incubation stages of company creation. Activities centre on stimulating awareness and educating students about entrepreneurship, the organization of calls for projects, and crucial pre-startup research. For more information, call 514 396-8827 or visit (In French only)

Alliance numériQC – Québec’s Digital Industry Network
Alliance numériQC is the business network for Québec's interactive digital content and multimedia industry. It supports businesses in their expansion and facilitates their development by offering a wide range of services that match their needs. For more information, call 514 848-7177 or 1-866-848-7177, or visit

3. Training, mentoring and networking

Fédération de l'informatique du Québec (FIQ)
The Fédération de l'informatique du Québec brings together and mobilizes players in Québec’s information technology (IT) sector. It creates opportunities to get together and helps improve knowledge and skills. For more information, call 514 840-1240 or visit (In French only)

International Federation of Multimedia Associations (IFMA)
IFMA is an emerging federation of associations multimedia content and services businesses. IFMA builds an international exchange network and promotes international cooperation between multimedia associations from around the world. For more information, call 514 289-9966 or visit

Regroupement des producteurs multimédia (RPM)
The Regroupement des producteurs multimédia (RPM) is a not-for-profit organization representing multimedia producers working in Québec on interactive content in various media, video not targeting the television market, and corporate or promotional events. For more information, call 514 813-3586 or visit (In French only)

Réseau inter logiQ
The Réseau inter logiQ brings together company managers and represents IT companies, helping them to achieve their growth objectives and facilitating their access to the best marketing practices for their products and services. The Réseau organises events related to professional development, the transfer of strategic knowledge, and networking, and steers its members toward the specialised resources they need. For more information, call 514 874-2667 or visit (In French only)

TechnoCompétences is an incorporated non-profit organisation. Its mission is to promote and support the development of human resources for the information and communication technologies industry, by identifying and developing leads and response measures to carry out action plans on the basis of defined problematics. For more information, call 514 840-1237 or visit

4. Financing

The following financing programs are specific to the multimedia, culture and communications sectors. You will find general financing programs in our document Financing a Business.

Aide aux projets – Accueil – Ministère de la Culture et des Communications et de la Condition féminine
The goal of this program is to improve the quality and increase the offer of cultural and communication goods, activities and services in the various sectors served by the ministry throughout Québec. It also aims to promote innovation, experimentation and the renewal of creativity. The program offers financial assistance covering up to 75% of the eligible expenses linked to the project. Some conditions apply. For more information, call 514 873-2255, 418 380-2346 or 1-888-380-8882, or visit (In French only)

Multimedia Experimentation Fund (MEF) – Alliance numériQC
Financed by the Government of Canada and run by Alliance numériQC, this fund offers pre-startup support for entrepreneurs with multimedia projects. It provides a non-refundable contribution to finance a maximum of 50% of pre-startup costs (feasibility study, market study, business plan, prototype development, search for funding, etc.). The total amount of the contribution can’t exceed $50 000. For more information, consult our document Multimedia Experimentation Fund, call 514 848-7177 extension 370, or visit

The Canada New Media Fund – Telefilm Canada
The Canada New Media Fund provides support for the market research, prototyping, product development, marketing and online distribution of aggregated high-quality, original, interactive Canadian new media products. It ensures the visibility and presence of new media creators in both domestic and international markets and provides opportunities for professional development. The Fund is distributed between three components: Product Assistance, Online Distribution Assistance and Sectoral Assistance which are divided on a linguistic basis. For more information, call 514 283-6363 or 1-800-567-0890, or visit

Canada Council for the Arts
The Canada Council for the Arts offers a broad range of grants and services to professional Canadian artists and arts organisations in dance, media arts, music, theatre, writing and publishing, interdisciplinary work and performance art, and the visual arts. For more information, call 1-800-263-5588 or visit To consult the application deadlines, visit

Canadian Heritage
The role of the Cultural Development sector is to develop a sustainable, competitive environment in Canada for the production and distribution of Canadian cultural content in all media. The sector is responsible for programs, policies and direction in the following areas: film/video, tv/radio, magazines, newspapers and books, music, copyright policies, trade and investment, foreign investment review, and multimedia. For more information, call 514 283-2332 or 1-877-222-2397, or visit

Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ)
The mandate of the Council is to support, throughout the regions of Québec, creation, experimentation and production in the areas of visual arts, arts and crafts, literature, theatre, music, dance, multidisciplinary arts, media arts and architectural research and to foster their impact in Québec, Canada and abroad. It is also mandated to support the development of professional artists. For more information, call 514 864-3350 or 1-800-608-3350 in Montréal, 418 643-1707 or 1-800-897-1707 in Québec City, or visit

Tax measures

Refundable Tax Credit for the Production of Multimedia Titles – Investissement Québec
Companies with a place of business in Québec may receive a refundable tax credit for the production of multimedia titles. The amount of assistance an eligible corporation may receive is determined according to the eligible labour expenditure of the corporation, to which a percentage is applied that varies depending on the category of multimedia titles the corporation produces. For more information, call 1-866-870-0437 or visit http://www.investQué

Tax credits – Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC)
Financial assistance for Québec’s cultural undertakings for film and television production, the production of sound recordings and concerts, and the publishing of books aims primarily to improve the effectiveness of government action by directing assistance toward production companies. These fiscal measures are administered by the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC), which is responsible for assessing the amount of the tax credit and the certification. The Société also offers enterprises interim financing for the amount of the expected tax credit. For more information, consult our document Fiscal Measures – SODEC, call 514 841-2200 or 1-800-363-0401, or visit (In French only)

Financière des entreprises culturelles (FIDEC)
FIDEC is a limited partnership created to help established cultural enterprises strengthen their international position within cultural sectors, specifically in areas such as the film industry, television production, blockbuster shows and the development of artists' careers. FIDEC can offer Québec producers and distributors various forms of funding such as gap financing, investment by project, acquisition of rights and investment in equity, quasi-equity or debtto carry out more ambitious projects geared to marketing opportunities on the international scene.For more information, consult our document La financière des entreprises culturelles (FIDEC), call 514 940-2200, or visit

Specialised/Venture capital funds

Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund (CIFVF)
The CIFVF provides financial assistance for independent producers to develop and produce films, videos and multimedia programming in English and French on a wide range of subjects in documentary, docudrama or animated form. The purpose of the productions must be to inform, educate or instruct. The CIFVF covers up to 49% of the direct costs of a multimedia project at three different stages: development, prototype or production. The maximum amount of assistance is $60 000. Applications must be submitted by specific deadlines. For more information, call 1-888-386-5555 or visit

Bell Broadcast and New Media Fund
This fund, created by Bell Canada, supports projects in the field of new media and broadcasting. The money goes to producers and production companies that are already putting together programming for the broadcasting distribution sector with a multimedia component. Grants may not exceed 75% (maximum of $250 000 for the new media component and $75 000 for the broadcasting component). Many other terms and conditions apply for each component. For more information, call 514 845-4418 or visit

Fonds d'investissement de la culture et des communications (FICC)
FICC is a venture capital corporation specialising in culture and communications. It is a partnership between the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (FTQ) and the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles du Québec (SODEC). The financial contribution is in the form of acquisition of capital stock, a debenture and/or a loan. Developing or growing commercial undertakings are eligible. For more information, call 514 394-0700, consult the document  Fonds d'investissement de la culture et des communications (FICC)  or visit

Sodexport – Programme d’aide à l’exportation et au rayonnement culturel – SODEC
The purpose of this program is to support the establishment and development of cultural businesses in film, television production, recording, entertainment, books and specialised publishing, fine crafts. It has four components: Enterprise, Project, Collective presence on markets, fairs and other export activities, and International relations.The Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC) provides financial participation in a spirit of partnership with the private sector and on the basis of sharing certain financial risks associated with breaking into foreign markets.For more information, call 514 841-2200 or 1-800-363-0401, or visit (In French only)

5. Tools and other resources

Guide de l'Industrie multimédia et nouveaux médias
Alliance numériQC, in co-operation with Lien Multimédia, offers a free Web-based directory of Québec's digital industries (over 1,500 businesses listed). (In French only)

Le Lien multimédia
Information newsletter focusing on the Internet, multimedia and new medias. (In French only)

Cité Multimédia
The Cité Multimédia was created to develop office buildings in order to accommodate multimedia companies and their employees. This Web site provides information on the Cité Multimédia intended for employees and current or potential employers.

Culture, Heritage and Recreation is the Government of Canada's one-stop Web access to government culture, heritage and recreation programs and services.

Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec
The mission of the Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec (OCCQ) is to meet the real and tangible needs of stakeholders in the sectors of culture and communications as well as the needs of those who have dealings with these sectors in matters of statistics, research assistance and monitoring.

In conclusion

We hope the information provided in this Info-Guide has been helpful to you. Many other interesting documents, tools and links may be found on our Web site.

If you need more information about business-related subjects, our agents are available to provide you with free information about federal, provincial, and municipal government programs, services, and regulations as well as some programs and services offered by the private sector.

We offer you a free library research service as well as access to data bases and Web sites of interest to business people. Our information specialists are at your disposal to answer your requests for strategic information.

Don’t hesitate to contact Info entrepreneurs at 514 496-4636 or Ressources Entreprises at 418 649-4636. In the regions, call 1-800-322-4636.

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.