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Interim Financing of Tax Credits
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Interim Financing of Tax Credits

With the SMB Financial program, you can obtain a loan or loan guarantee.




Eligible Businesses

Your business is eligible for the interim financing of tax credits if you qualify for one of the following:


  • Scientific research and experimental development (SRED): Federal and provincial sections.
  • Knowledge-based economy: Biotechnology Development Centres (CDB); Major Employment-generating Projects in the IT Sector (GPCE); Production of Multimedia Titles (PTM); Technological Adaptation Services (SAT); Information Technology Development Centre (CDTI)**; Cité Multimédia of Montréal (CMM)**; New Economy Centres       (CNE)**; Centre national des nouvelles technologies de Québec (CNNTQ)**; E-Commerce Place (CCE)**.
  • Payroll increase : Aluminum Valley (VA); Gaspésie Region and Certain Quebec Maritime Regions (GM); Processing Operations in Resource Regions (AT); Technopôle Angus (TA)**; Cité de l'optique (CO)**; E-Business Activities (AAE)**; Development of Biotechnology in Certain Designated Sites (CB)**; Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods - Quebec Metropolitan Area (NA)**; Innovation Centres (CI)**. 
  • Others : Shipbuilding and ship conversion; Construction and repair of forest access roads and bridges; Montreal Foreign Trade Zone at Mirabel**.

*Special conditions may apply. Consult one of our advisors to learn more.


** This measure was abolished on June 12, 2003. Nevertheless, you may submit an application for refundable tax credit financing if your company holds an eligibility certificate issued prior to this date.


Eligible Projects

Projects eligible for refundable tax credits pursuant to tax legislation:

  • Tax credits for scientific research and experimental development activities;
  • Tax credits for knowledge-based economy activities;
  • Tax credits for payroll increase;
  • Other tax credits, as defined above.


Special Requirements

Your business must submit a cash budget demonstrating the unmistakeable need for additional working capital.


Your business must have a sound financial structure, adequate management, qualified staff and a solid organization.





We can provide a loan or loan guarantee. Our loan guarantee is a repayment guarantee on the net loss of a loan granted by a financial institution.


Terms and Conditions

  • The minimum amount of the loan guarantee provided by Investissement Québec is $50,000 for the SRED tax credits and $20,000 for the other tax credits.
  • The loan guarantee can cover up to 80% of the net loss.
  • The maximum duration for financial assistance is 18 months.
  • For loans granted by Investissement Québec, the amount provided may cover up to 75% of refundable tax credits for one fiscal year (two years in some exceptional cases).
  • The minimum loan provided by a financial institution is $62,500 for the SRED tax credits and $25,000 for the other tax credits.
  • The interest rate is set by the financial institution.
  • Interest is payable to the financial institution starting from the first loan disbursement.
  • Repayment of the capital amount comes directly from the tax credits to be paid.
  • The usual securities are required based on the financing granted.



The commitment fee is 1% of the loan amount and the guarantee fees are 2% of the guaranteed loan.





Step 1

Contact an Investissement Québec advisor , who will answer your questions and recommend the product that best suits your needs.


Step 2

The advisor will help you draw up a list of the information you must provide: business plan, nature of the project, financing sought, planned expenses, marketing plan, guarantees, etc.


Step 3

For loan guarantees, submit your application to the financial institution of your choice. The institution will consult us to review your file; we will then contact you. For direct loans, submit your application to an Investissement Québec advisor.


August 2006

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Applications for a guarantee for financing of refundable tax credits:
Word Increase in Total Payroll
(359 KB - 9 pages)
Word The Knowledge-Based Economy
(467 KB - 11 pages)
Excel Research and Development
(1 MB - 12 pages)
Word For Ship Construction or Conversion
(167 KB - 6 pages)
Word The Montréal Foreign Trade Zone at Mirabel
(245 KB - 5 pages)
Other forms
Pdf Application Workflow*
(22 KB - 1 pages)
Pdf Declaration of the company*
(199 KB - 1 pages)
Pdf Declaration of the lender*
(396 KB - 1 pages)
Pdf Authorization to exchange information*
(196 KB - 1 pages)

Pdf Preparing a business plan*
(38 KB - 2 pages)

* Acrobat Reader required

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