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Anyone who wishes to establish a link with the Web site of the Société des établissements de plein air du Québe (hereafter called "Sépaq") or with any other domain names owned by Sépaq, including, as the case may be, the sub-domains (hereafter called the "Domains") must obtain a written consent from Sépaq and respect the following conditions.


To be an authorized link, a web site that links to Sepaq’s Web site:

  1. May only establish the link with:
    -      the home page of the Web site of the Société des établissements de plein air du Québec
           (; or
    -      the home page of a Domain (hereafter referred to as "Sépaq Web sites)

  2. Must clearly show that the link is to the Web site of the "Société des établissements de plein air du Québec" or the exact name of the targeted Domain (e.g. Parc national du Bic, Réserve faunique des Laurentides, Des Voltigeurs Campground, etc.).

  3. May link to, but not replicate the Sépaq Web site in whole or in part, and, apart from expressly authorized cases, the link must maintain the integrity of the Sépaq Web sites and site content, including updates.

  4. May not “frame” or create a browser or border environment or advertising around any Sépaq Web sites content.

  5. Must not misrepresent its relationship with Sépaq or the establishments Sépaq manages or operates (including information suggesting that Sépaq or its establishments is sponsoring, endorsing or affiliated with it or its products and services).

  6. Must not present false information about or disparage Sépaq or the establishments it manages or operates, its products and services, or otherwise tarnish or diminish the goodwill in its name.

  7. Must not contain content that could be construed as illegal, distasteful, offensive or controversial, and should contain only content that is appropriate for all its authorized users.

  8. Must only use the Sépaq's logos with written permission or in compliance with the Terms of use.

  9. The following sentence about Sépaq Web sites may be used on your Web site in connection with the authorized link. If used, it must not be altered in any way: Visit the Web site of the Société des établissements de plein air du Québec" or "Visit the Sépaq Web site."

    The terms "Société des établissements de plein air du Québec" or "Sépaq" may be replaced by the name of the targeted Domains.

    The link must be a permitted use (see Intellectual Property section of the Terms of use) and comply with all applicable laws and the Terms of use.

Application for Consent

In filling out this form, you agree to be bound to the above conditions or to the Terms of use of the Sépaq Web site.

Our staff will examine your application and will contact you as soon as possible.
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* E-mail:
Name of company or corporation:
* Civic number, street, office number:
* City, province, country, postal code :
Your Web site address :
* Indicate the reason for your request :
* This sign indicates that the field is compulsory.

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