Government of Saskatchewan

Business Guides

Business Fact Sheets

Business Fact Sheets were created by the Government of Saskatchewan and contain information about starting and maintaining a business in Saskatchewan. View A Current Index of Business Fact Sheets to see a complete list of available fact sheets or choose from the topics listed below.

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Basic Business Information Package

Forms of Business Organization

Business Plan Guide

Lending - The Basic Criteria

Venture Checklists

Points to Consider When Starting Your Own Business

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Sources Of Information And Required Licenses

BizPaL - Interactive Business Permits and Licences Service for Saskatchewan

Sources of Information and Required Licenses - Estevan and Region

Sources of Information and Required Licenses - Moose Jaw and Region

Sources of Information and Required Licenses - North Battleford and Region

Sources of Information and Required Licenses - Prince Albert and Region

Sources of Information and Required Licenses - Regina and Region

Sources of Information and Required Licenses - Swift Current and Region

Sources of Information and Required Licenses - Saskatoon and Region

Sources of Information and Required Licenses - Yorkton and Region

Sources of Information and Required Licenses - LaRonge and Region

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Business Planning And Startup

Checklists For Going Into Business

Naming Your Business

Selecting Professional Services

Buying A Business

Checklists For Franchisees

Feasibility Checklist For Starting A Small Business

Questions To Ask Before You Sign A Lease

Investigative Checks

Legal Issues in Starting a Business

Dealing With Your Banker & Other Lenders

Business Plan For Small Manufacturers

Business Plan For Retailers

Business Plan For Small Construction Firms

Business Plan For Small Service Firms

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Market Development

Market Analysis

Guide To Market Research and Analysis

Marketing Plan Outline

Guidelines For Developing A Company Brochure

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Advertising and Promotion

How To Have A Positive Image

Developing New Accounts

Signs And Your Business

Plan Your Advertising Budget

Do You Know The Results Of Your Advertising

Ways To Promote Your Product Or Service

Advertising Do's And Don'ts

Making Presentations

Trade Shows

Invite Your Trade Show Prospects

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Product Development

Labelling Fact Sheet

Can You Make Money With Your Idea Or Invention

Product Licensing

Patents, Trade-Marks, Copyright, Industrial Design, And Integrated Circuit Topographies

Critical Assessment Factors For New Products

Inventors - Sources of Information

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Retail Management

Merchandise For Profit

Departmentalizing And Inventory Management In A Retail Store

Store Location - "Little Things" Mean A Lot

Marketing Checklist For Small Retailers

Advertising Guidelines For Small Retailer Firms

Improving Personal Selling In Small Retailer Firms

Setting The Right Price

Understanding and Developing Your Sales Force

Measuring Sales Force Performance

Selling Products On Consignment

Profit By Your Wholesaler's Services

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Home-based Business

Home-Based Business In Saskatchewan

Expansion Of Your Home-Based Business

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General Management

Profit Pricing For The Costing Of A Service

Credit and Collections

Preventing Theft

Setting Up A Pay System

Checklist For Developing A Training Program

Selecting Your Supplier

Problems In Managing A Family-Owned Business

Importing - Steps To Follow

Checklist For Profit Watching

Attacking Business Decision Problems With Break-even Analysis

Standard Outline For A Partnership Or Shareholder Agreement

Bad Cheque Control

Profit Pricing for a Manufacturer

The Joint Venture Agreement Checklist

Basic Proposal For Tender


Basic Bookkeeping

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Business Forms

Business Corporation Registration Information and Forms

Business Name Registration Information and Forms

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International Co-operative Alliance - Statement on the Co-operative Identity

New Generation Co-operatives for Agricultural Processing and Value Added Projects

Cooperative Glossary

Conducting Effective Meetings

Co-operative - Business Structure

Cooperative Structure

Financing and Financial Management for Cooperatives

Cooperative Governance

Registration of a Cooperative

Core Functions and Processes of Cooperative Governance

Articles and Bylaws Regarding Cooperatives

Developing and Supporting Saskatchewan Co-operatives - A Director's Handbook

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The Info-Guide is a document designed to help you navigate through the different programs, services and regulations pertaining to specific business topics. Although most of your questions will be answered in the Info-Guide, this list is, by no means, exhaustive. The selected items provide a helpful overview of the programs, services and regulations in a related area. This blended product of both federal and provincial information is developed to answer a growing demand for strategic information by business people. Municipal and other non-government information may be included, depending on the content and region.


Aboriginal Info-Guide

Climate Change Plan Info-Guide

Cooperatives Info-Guide

Employment and Training Info-Guide

Exporting Info-Guide

Finding and Selecting Wholesalers

Fraud Awareness Info-Guide

Importing Info-Guide

Magazines and Trade Journals

Selecting a Business Association

Taxation Info-Guide

Young Entrepreneurs Info-Guide

Business Start-Up Info-Guides:

Business Start-up Info-Guide

Starting a Bakery

Starting a Bed and Breakfast

Starting a Catering Business

Starting a Child Day Care Centre

Starting a Consulting Business

Starting a Convenience Store

Starting a Craft Business

Starting a Home-Based Business

Starting a Personal Care Home

Starting a Restaurant Bar or Coffee Shop

Starting a Retail Clothing Store

E-Business :

E-Business Info-Guide

E-Commerce - Exploring Your Options

Doing Business on the Internet

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Kinds of Business

The Kinds of Business files (KOB's) were created by Saskatchewan Industry and Resources, and contain detailed information about starting and maintaining a specific type of business in Saskatchewan. The KOB's deal with the types of information you will need to consider, and examples of the sources of information that are available to you when starting a business. Choose a KOB from the Table of Contents (PDF file) .

You will require the Adobe Acrobat reader to view these files. A free copy may be downloaded here. If you encounter any difficulty in accessing the content on this or any other page please contact us for assistance.