Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Fire Prevention Week 2007
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Bakken, north of Copenhagen and opened in 1583, is the world's oldest operating amusement park.

On any block and in any neighbourhood, it only takes one house that is harbouring illegal activities to undermine the safety of all residents of that community and affect the property values throughout that neighbourhood.

The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act will improve community safety by targeting and, if necessary, shutting down residential and commercial buildings and land that are habitually used for illegal activities. These activities include: the possession, growth, use, consumption, sale, transfer or exchange of a controlled substance; prostitution or activities related to prostitution; the commission or promotion of criminal offences; the accommodation, aid, assistance or support of any nature of a gang or criminal organization of any of its activities; child sexual abuse or activities related to child sexual abuse; the use, consumption, sale, transfer or exchange of beverage alcohol, as defined in the Alcohol and Gaming Regulations, Act, 1997; the use, consumption, sale, transfer or exchange of a substance mentioned in section 90 of The Alcohol and Gaming Regulations, 1997; solvent abuse; or the unlawful sale and consumption of alcohol. 

The Act also creates a process where building fortifications that cause public safety concerns can be removed by investigators. These fortifications often include but are not limited to: bullet-proof glass or explosive-resistant materials; armoured or specially reinforced walls, door and exterior fencing; the use of razor wire, barbed wire, embedded glass, nails or other sharp items in, on or around an exterior fence; and metal screens and/or bars on windows or doors.

This legislation empowers citizens to take back their neighbourhoods by reporting problem residences and businesses. It will also hold property owners accountable for threatening or disturbing activities regularly taking place on their property.

This Act promotes community safety by cleaning up properties that:

  • negatively effect the health, safety or security of one or more persons in a neighbourhood; and/or
  • interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of one or more properties in a community or neighbourhood.

If you are suspicious of a property in your neighbourhood, do not investigate it yourself or approach the occupants. Please call the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigation Unit immediately. There is an Investigation Unit in both Saskatoon and Regina. To contact the Regina office, call (306) 787-0400. To contact the Saskatoon office, call (306) 933-8373. Or call the toll free number at 1-866-51-SAFER.

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