Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission
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CASHRA Conference 2005
The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission was pleased to host the CASHRA 2005 conference in Saskatoon on June 13th and 14th. Approximately 150 delegates registered for the conference which featured local, national and international presenters and addressed a broad range of human rights issues. Keynote speakers included The Honourable K. James Bartleman, O.Ont., Dr. Stephen Lewis, and The Honourable Senator Raynell Anderson. For more information about the conference, go to: .


The Saskatoon Anne Frank Committee
The Saskatoon Anne Frank Committee is a coalition of more than 25 community organizations which came together to bring to Saskatoon the exhibit, "Anne Frank in the World 1929-1945." Housed at the Diefenbaker Canada Centre, the exhibit was viewed by 18,508 visitors. The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission and the City of Saskatoon's Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Office were co-chairs of the committee which plans to continue the work they have begun to help address and heal racism and other forms of discrimination in our community.

Anne Frank in the World 1929-1945

News releases



  • International Day of Persons with Disabilities December 3, 2002
    December 3rd has been proclaimed the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Saskatchewan by the provincial government.
  • Rights awareness handbook available June 20, 2002
    To coincide with June 21st, National Aboriginal Day, a new handbook aimed at easing the transition for Aboriginal people moving to large urban centres from rural Saskatchewan was launched.


  • Human rights tribunal appointed November 26, 2001
    A new tribunal panel appointed to hear human rights complaints will provide more expertise and result in more consistent and timely decisions.
  • Settlement reached in sex discrimination complaint April 11, 2001
    Donna Scott, Chief Commissioner and Director of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, today announced the settlement of a sex discrimination complaint brought against the University of Saskatchewan, College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Sociology by five faculty members of the Sociology department.






International Human Rights Day - December 10, 2006
At this time of year, the contrast between abundance and deprivation in our world is glaring. In our own country, the disparity between the wealthy and the poor is disturbing and the gap appears to be widening. (read more

Protecting the human rights of persons with mental disabilities - December 3, 2006
It is likely we all know someone who has struggled with depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, or behavioral disorders and addictions.  Yet, the silence surrounding the treatment of a mental illness means that the negative stigma associated with it remains. (read more)

Municipalities Rally Against Racism - March 21, 2006
March 21st is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It is the day which was proclaimed by the United Nations forty years ago to commemorate the people killed and wounded at a peaceful anti-apartheid demonstration outside Sharpeville, South Africa in 1960. In Saskatchewan, March 21st provides an opportunity to express our ongoing commitment to a society free from all forms of racism.  (read more)

Why We Should Care About Discrimination Against Older Persons
October 1st is the International Day of Older Persons, a day set aside by the United Nations to address the independence, participation, care, self-fulfillment and dignity of older persons. But the reality is that older Saskatchewan residents face discrimination in many important parts of life. (read more)

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women December 6, 2005

Human Rights Day 2004: A Message from Chief Commissioner Donna Scott. , 2004

International Day of Disabled Persons, , 2004

Equity supports Saskatchewan's future success, June 18, 2003
Quotas? No, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission does not believe in quotas - we believe in fairness for individuals. Employment equity is not about numbers; it's about equal participation in society, about effective services, and about the prosperity of businesses and those that work within them. (more)

War often fosters discrimination based on race, March 21, 2003
On this anniversary of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, I ask myself will human rights still be protected as we walk down this road to war? (more)

Intolerance has no place in Saskatchewan, September 11, 2001
For more than 50 years, all citizens of Saskatchewan have enjoyed the protections of the Saskatchewan Bill of Rights which guarantees the right to freedom from discrimination, freedom of conscience, expression and association. Today, as the dark shadow of international terrorism threatens to eclipse the fundamental freedoms we have come to enjoy... (more)

A Look at the Law
The Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA) is a non-profit corporation that provides the people of Saskatchewan with understandable, useful information and education on our laws and legal system.

The following articles were prepared by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission:

Accessibility Oct. 20, 2000
Words Can Hurt Sept. 22, 2000
Job Rights and Pregnancy July 28, 2000
Employment Equity in Saskatchewan June 30, 2000



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