Legislative Assembly of the NWT



As a Member elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, I acknowledge that I have accepted a responsibility to serve the people of the Northwest Territories. I seek wisdom, strength, courage, honesty, and caring from the people of the North, both from those who have built our past and from those who are shaping our future.

As a legislator elected to govern the Northwest Territories, I will serve to do my utmost to:

Hear the voices of all our people;

Preserve our traditions and bridge them with new ways to build our future;

Provide legislation, policies, and services for the good of the people as individuals, families, and communities;

Promote the equality of all our people;

Distribute resources fairly and justly, and

to respect and honour our land and all its inhabitants.

As a legislator, I will do my best to fulfill my duties to the Legislature, the public, my constituents, and my colleagues with integrity and honour.

To my constituents, I owe my best efforts at effective representation as well as accountability, honesty, fairness, and courtesy.

To the legislature, I owe respect as well as dedication to my role in ensuring the integrity of our government and in earning, through my actions, the confidence of the people.

To the public, I owe a responsibility to work for the well-being of all residents of the Northwest Territories.

To my colleagues, I owe fairness and respect for our differences and the duty to work together with goodwill for the common good.

I acknowledge human vulnerabilities and will strive to bring honour to my role as a representative of our people.

I will not act, nor condone others in acting, in ways which exploit, slander, or discriminate against others. I will not act, nor condone others in acting in ways which are dishonest or which exploit positions of privilege for personal gain.

As a legislator, I acknowledge a vision and a responsibility to improve the life of our people and I will strive to act in creative ways to overcome the hardships, which destroy life and hope, and the human frailties, which fall upon us.

So long as I am a Member of the Legislative Assembly, I will be true to these obligations, and will work to preserve the greatness of our land and our people.

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