Legislative Assembly of the NWT
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Statutory Officers  

The Legislative Assembly has a number of statutory officers that deal with various aspects of the business affecting the House and the Members. These officers (listed below) can be contacted through the Clerk's office at (867) 669-2299 or toll-free 1-800-661-0784. The fax number is (867) 920-4735.

Languages Commissioner

The Languages Commissioner is appointed for a four-year term by the Legislative Assembly. He/she is responsible for ensuring that the rights, status and privileges of each of the eight official languages in the Northwest Territories are protected within government institutions.

For example ensuring individuals have the right to use their aboriginal language in dealings with government institutions, if the language of choice is the recognized aboriginal language in that region. If that doesn't occur, the Languages Commissioner may launch an investigation, making recommendations to the Premier and Deputy Minister of what actions should be taken to ensure all rights are protected. The Languages Commissioner is also required to make an annual report to the Legislative Assembly.

The Languages Commissioner's Office has its own web site - click here to access it.

To contact the Languages Commissioner, click here.

Information and Privacy Commissioner

The Commissioner reviews decisions of the Government on public access to their records and offers comment on the implications for privacy protection of proposed legislative schemes or government programs. The NWT's Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act came into effect January 1, 1997. The Commissioner is required to submit an annual report on the activities of his/her office to the Legislative Assembly.

To contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner, click here.

Conflict of Interest Commissioner

This individual is mandated to investigate conflict of interest charges made against Members of the Legislative Assembly. For example, a complaint could be filed if a member of the public believes an MLA or Minister stands to gain financially (or any other personal benefit) from a decision he/she is involved in making. If a complaint has been made, the Commissioner investigates the charge and reports the findings to the Speaker who subsequently tables the report in the Assembly. The Commissioner is also required to prepare an annual report on the activities of the office with the Assembly.

To contact the Conflict of Interest Commissioner, click here

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