Legislative Assembly of the NWT
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Vision, Goals, Priorities 

Northerners Working Together

Vision, Goals and Priorities

The Members of the 16th Legislative Assembly have identified the following vision and goals for the Northwest Territories and priorities for action by the 16th Legislative Assembly.


Strong individuals, families and communities sharing the benefits and responsibilities of a unified, environmentally sustainable and prosperous Northwest Territories


A strong and independent north built on partnerships

An environment that will sustain present and future generations

Healthy, educated people

A diversified economy that provides all communities and regions with opportunities and choices

Sustainable, vibrant, safe communities

Effective and efficient government

Priorities for the 16th Legislative Assembly for Each Goal:

A strong and independent north built on partnerships

  • Strengthen awareness of our northern identity and uniqueness by promoting our successes, our culture, our arts, and our languages with a proud and unified voice.
  • Achieve significant progress toward northern control over the administration of lands, the regulatory system, and resource revenues.
  • Build strong partnerships with northern governments on areas of common interest.
  • Fulfill our implementation responsibilities for existing land claim and self-government agreements, and make best efforts to reach final agreements in ongoing negotiations.
  • Work toward a common vision for the political development of the NWT.

An environment that will sustain present and future generations

  • Coordinate our efforts to ensure development is sustainable for our land and wildlife.
  • Protect our water supply and quality.
  • Advance alternative energy initiatives.
  • Work proactively with residents, communities and industry on mitigation of climate change.

Healthy, educated people

  • Focus on prevention by promoting healthy choices and lifestyles, and the role of personal and family responsibility.
  • Enhance early childhood education, and improve support for day care services.
  • Improve support for children and adults with special needs and disabilities.
  • Work with families, communities and schools to improve the physical and mental well-being of our youth.
  • Strengthen regional and local treatment and aftercare programs to address addictions and mental health.

A diversified economy that provides all communities and regions with opportunities and choices

  • Promote development that reduces regional and community disparities.
  • Work with regional business corporations and other partners to identify new economic opportunities.
  • Support the development of sustainable local economies through small businesses and community-based sectors such as tourism, agriculture, arts and crafts, and the traditional economy.
  • Build community human resource capacity with an emphasis on trades and entrepreneurial skills.

Sustainable, vibrant, safe communities

  • Pursue initiatives to reduce the cost of living, and in particular energy costs.
  • Improve transportation infrastructure to connect communities.
  • Increase RCMP presence and strengthen the role of communities in prevention and enforcement.
  • Support a healthy and sustainable voluntary and not for profit sector.
  • Work proactively with communities on adaptation to climate change.

Effective and efficient government

  • Complete a thorough analysis of the efficiency, effectiveness and value of current government operations.
  • Achieve greater effectiveness, efficiencies and a more client-focused, service-oriented approach through better planning, coordination and communication between GNWT departments.
  • Improve human resource management within the GNWT through training, career planning, and encouraging innovation by employees.
  • Explore new potential sources of revenue.
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