Legislative Assembly of the NWT
Members Remuneration 

Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories are entitled to the following:

  • Basic Indemnity $92,147
  • Speaker's Indemnity $40,108
  • Premier $70,084
  • Minister $49,318
  • Deputy Speaker $6,489
  • Deputy Chairperson of Committee of the Whole $3,894
  • Chairperson of a Standing Committee $5,750
  • Chairperson of a Special Committee $2,875
  • Chairperson of Caucus $2,875 

Members are also entitled to a non-taxable annual expense allowance of $6,988 for a Minister or for a Member who lives within commuting distance of the capital. Members, who are not Ministers, who do not live within commuting distance of the capital, are entitled to $10,797 annually.

A sum of $127 will be deducted for each morning or afternoon that a Member fails to attend the sitting of the Legislative Assembly, or a committee of the Legislative Assembly, that he/she is a Member of without a reasonable explanation.

Members will be paid a northern allowance based on the community where the member is deemed to reside. Ministers are deemed to reside in Yellowknife.

Indemnities for members are detailed in the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act.

Expenses and Allowances

The Legislative Assembly will pay up to $27,840 annually for capital accommodation on behalf of a Member whose residence is not within 80 km of Yellowknife, while the Member is attending sittings of the Legislature, committee meetings or performing constituency duties in Yellowknife.

Members are provided with a set constituency-operating budget to defray the necessary expenditures to carry out work on behalf of their constituents.

Other Benefits

GNWT Accidental Death and Dismemberment-Duty Travel

This is available to Ministers/MLAs on a 24 hour a day, year round basis, as long as they are not the pilot of an aircraft or a member of the crew. The maximum compensation that will be paid for accidental death and dismemberment is $200,000.00.

Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP)

This insurance plan has four parts.

  1. Basic Life - one year of basic salary;
  2. Supplementary Life - one year of basic salary;
  3. Accidental Death and Dismemberment - Coverage is available up to a maximum of 10 units at $25,000 each (maximum benefit is $250,000 for accidental death or an appropriate percentage payable for dismemberment); and
  4. Dependants' Insurance - both life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment benefits (double indemnity) of $5,000 for one's spouse and $2,500 for each dependant child over 14 days.

Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP)

PSHCP is a supplementary health care plan. Participation, including the level of coverage is optional.

Premiums for Level I coverage are paid by the Legislative Assembly. The MLA and the Legislative Assembly share premiums for Level II and Level III.

This insurance provides 80% reimbursement for all eligible expenses, subject to a yearly deductible of $60 for single coverage and $100 for family coverage.

This insurance provides extended health care benefits (in addition to the Northwest Territories Health Care) for specialist services, prescription drugs, vision care, rental of hospital equipment, nursing assistance, ambulance services, etc. Hospital benefits are also available and there is reimbursement for the cost of semi-private or private rooms up to $60 per day under Level I, $100 per day under Level II and $150 per day under Level III.

Dental Plan

The plan provides a MLA with 100% reimbursement for all eligible expenses, subject to a yearly deductible of $25 for single coverage and $50 for family coverage. Major restorative work (crowns, bridges, dentures, etc.) is reimbursed at 50%.

The plan provides orthodontic coverage for dependants under the age of 19. Reimbursement is limited to 50% of actual costs, to a maximum of $3,000 per dependant per lifetime.

Legislative Assembly Retiring Allowances Fund

Members are required to join the plan as soon as they are elected. They contribute 6.5% of their pensionable income. The pension becomes vested with the member after serving 1 term or 4 years, whichever comes first.

Members who retire at age 55, or later, will receive 2% of their final average earnings for each year of service, multiplied by the years of service (maximum of 30 years). Final average earnings are the average of a Member's best four consecutive years of pensionable earnings.

The pension provided under this plan increases with the cost of living as measured by the Consumer Price Index.

If a Member with a spouse dies after completing 4 years of service, the spouse will receive 66% of the Member's pension for his/her lifetime. If a Member also has one or two dependent children, each of them will be entitled to 10 percent of the Member's pension. If a Member has more than two dependent children, the maximum they can receive as a group is 25% of the Member's pension. Children qualify as dependents if they are under the age of 25 and are in full time attendance at a post secondary school of education.

Supplementary Retiring Allowances Fund

Members of the Legislative Assembly are also given a one-time option to enroll in a Supplementary Retiring Allowances Plan, which requires them to contribute at 9.0% of pensionable income.

Members that opt-out of the new plan will not be given the opportunity to join again at a later date.

First-time Members in future Assemblies will also be given a one-time offer to join the plan.

Note: All PSMIP insurance plans are optional. Premiums are based on age and basic salary and are deducted from salary.

Figures as of April 1, 2008.

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