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Manitoba Advanced Education and Literacy

Communications Plan

About COPSE | New Programs | Contact Us | FAQs | Record of Decisions | Communications Plan

Summary of Communication Activities

The following set of communication activities will continue to be undertaken by the Council.

  • Meet with student and faculty representatives – the Council will meet with student and faculty representatives as part of the annual estimates meetings. The Council will continue to invite representatives from student (CFS) and faculty (MOFA) organizations to make presentations at Council meetings.
  • Meet with other members from the PSE community – the Council will invite outside representatives e.g., CHERD, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, etc. to make presentations at Council meetings to discuss issues of mutual interest, and possibilities for further collaboration.
  • Dialogue with the institutions and PSE community on Council initiatives – the Council will continue to dialogue and work in close collaboration with the institutions and members of the PSE community on issues of common interest.
  • Conduct Consultations with Specific Groups – the Council Secretariat will meet with specific groups or organizations who wish to consult on a regular basis. For example, over the last year, the Council staff held an orientation session and regular consultations on items of mutual interest with representatives of student groups.
  • Sponsor Forums/Planning Sessions – the Council will sponsor forums, planning sessions or workshops involving the PSE community, dependent upon available resources.
  • Expand the Council’s website - the Council will work with Department colleagues to keep its website current with the postings of most recent activities, projects, reports, and programs. The Council will also work to ensure that relevant links are added to the site, and related documents are posted as they become available.
  • Develop a Fact Sheet – the Council Secretariat will develop an annual fact sheet that will feature highlights of Council activity, updates, and profiles of special events or projects as they occur. The fact sheet can be posted on the Council’s website or distributed via e-mail.
  • Make Presentations – the Council Secretariat will continue to make presentations on the Council’s goals and priorities at workshops or meetings within the Department, to representatives at other Government departments, the institutions, at inter-provincial meetings, or on an as-requested basis. These presentations can be posted on the Council’s website, thus being made available to a wider audience.
  • Report publicly on communication activities – the Council will prepare a summary report of its communication activities to include in the Annual Report.


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