GNWT Department of Finance


NWT Tax Information

Introduction Legislation Tax Revenues
Personal Income Tax Fuel Tax Property Tax
Corporate Income Tax Payroll Tax Tobacco Tax
NWT Child Benefit Insurance Tax

Fuel Tax

Fuel Tax Forms

Fuel Tax Rates

Information for Inter- provincial Trucking Companies

Who requires a single trip permit?

A single trip permit is required by any trucker entering the NWT who is not a monthly or quarterly imported fuel tax reporter.

Where can I get a single trip permit?

You may obtain a permit by visiting or telephoning any NWT weigh scale.

Can I receive a refund on a single trip permit?

Refund application forms can be obtained at weigh scales or by contacting the Department of Finance’s tax administration section.
The refund application must be received by the tax administration section with six months of the day the single trip permit expires. The refund application must be accompanied by the original single permit and original fuel tax receipts.
A refund will not be issued for an amount less than $5.00 or for an amount exceeding the deposit amount.

How do I become a monthly or quarterly imported fuel tax reporter?

You must apply through the Department of Finance and obtain permission from the NWT Minister of Finance to report monthly or quarterly your monthly territorial petroleum products consumption.

Location of NWT Weigh Scales

Enterprise NWT at the junction of NWT Highways 1 and 2
Telephone: 867.984.3341

Fort Liard on NWT Highway 7
Telephone: 867.770.3028

Inuvik on NWT Highway 8
Telephone: 867.777.7283

The Petroleum Products Taxation Act provides for fines up to $5,000, with or without the addition of any tax not paid as a result of an offence, or imprisonment for a period up to three months, or both, on conviction for: