GNWT Department of Finance


NWT Tax Information

Introduction Legislation Tax Revenues
Personal Income Tax Fuel Tax Property Tax
Corporate Income Tax Payroll Tax Tobacco Tax
NWT Child Benefit Insurance Tax

Payroll Tax

Payroll Tax Forms

Information for Employers

The Payroll Tax Act, 1993 came into effect July 1, 1993. Unlike other jurisdictions that impose a payroll tax on employers, the NWT Payroll Tax is levied on employees. The Payroll Tax applies to all employees who work, perform duties, or provide services in the NWT, regardless of the province or territory of residence of the employee or employer or the employee’s age.

Effective January 1, 2005 the Payroll Tax rate increased from 1 per cent to 2 per cent of gross NWT remuneration.

If an employee normally works in the NWT (ie. more than 50% of the time), payroll tax is calculated on all earnings.

Currently only Nunavut levies a payroll tax similar to that of the GNWT. The Nunavut government has a separate registration process.

Who is an employer?

An individual or corporation who has one or more employees performing work and/or providing services in the NWT.

What is remuneration?

Includes all payments, and the value of all benefits and allowances, received for work performed and/or services provided. Refer to Sections 5(1), 6 or 7 of the Income Tax Act for applicable definitions.

Examples of taxable items:

Examples of non-taxable items:

Registrations and returns

Every employer must register with the GNWT, Department of Finance within 21 days of their first payroll cycle for work or services performed in the NWT. Remittance frequency is based upon the estimated annual gross remuneration paid to employees in the NWT. Forms will be sent to registered employers approximately one month prior to the due date, or may be requested at any time from the Department of Finance.

Employers must file an Annual Return each calendar year by February 28th. Forms will be sent to registered employers approximately two months prior to the due date, or may be requested at any time from the Department of Finance.

Annual Returns must be filed even if companies did not have employees working in the NWT during the year (Nil Return).


Non-compliance with the NWT Payroll Tax Act, 1993 may result in penalties, interest assessment, and/or court action. Possible infractions include:

Contact Information

Postal address:
Government of the NWT
Treasury Division, Department of Finance
PO Box 1320
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9

Office location:
3rd Floor YK Centre
4922-48th Street
Yellowknife, NT X1A 1N2

Telephone: 867.920.3470
Toll-free: 1.800.661.0820
Fax: 867.873.0325