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Building Strategic Infrastructure:
Grand Falls - Building Strategic Infrastructure: Grand Falls - WoodstockWoodstock

The New Brunswick Highway Corporation has reached an agreement with Brun-Way Group to design, build, and finance the construction of 98 kilometres of Trans-Canada Highway between Grand Falls and Woodstock.

Under the agreement, Brun-Way Group will also be responsible of the selected upgrade of 128 kilometres of existing four-lane highway, as well as the operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of 275 kilometres of highway between Québec border and Longs Creek, and Route 95, between Woodstock and the U.S. border, until 2033.

News Release: Brun-Way Group to complete twinning of Trans-Canada Highway (05/02/07)

News Release: Ministers announce plans to complete four-lane Trans-Canada Highway (03/11/13)

Selection of a Proponent to Complete the Four-Lane Trans-Canada Highway

Step 1: Request for Qualifications

The first step in the selection of a proponent was the release of a request for qualifications. Proponents interested in the project responded to the request by demonstrating their expertise in designing, building, operating, maintaining and rehabilitating a new highway. The proponents were also evaluated on their ability to finance the project.

The proponents also had to clearly state their commitment to develop economic and industrial benefits in New Brunswick and Canada through the project.

A shortlist of the most qualified proponents was established following an evaluation of the responses to the request for qualifications.

Four consortia responded to the request for qualifications. The four consortia were the Brun-Way Group Joint Venture, the Upper Valley Highway Consortium, the Saint John Valley Highway Group, and the River Valley Road Development Company.

News Release: Four consortia respond to TCH request for qualifications (04/02/11)

Step 2: Request for Proposals

The second step in the selection of a proponent involved issuing a request for proposals containing all of the project requirements.

The request for proposals was issued to the four qualifying consortia by the New Brunswick Department of Transportation.

News Release: Request for proposals issued for completion of Trans-Canada Highway (04/04/21)

Executive Summary of the Request for Proposals pdf

Step 3: Evaluation of Proposals

The third step in the selection of a proponent was to ensure the proposals comply with the operational, technical and environmental requirements to design and build, as well as operate, maintain, and rehabilitate the four-lane Trans-Canada Highway.

News Release: Receipt of technical submissions for completion of Trans-Canada Highway (04/08/17)

The proposals also had to demonstrate the abilities of the proponents to finance the design and build, as well as operate, maintain, and rehabilitate the four-lane highway. The financial submissions were evaluated to ensure they comply with the economic and industrial benefits and Aboriginal inclusion requirements of the request for proposals as well.

News Release: Receipt of financial submissions for completion of Trans-Canada Highway (04/11/01)

Step 4: Selection of Preferred Proponent

On December 8, 2004, the Province announced Brun-Way Group as the preferred proponent to design, build, finance, operate, maintain, and rehabilitate the four-lane Trans-Canada Highway.

The consortium's proposal met all the requirements of the request for proposals and provided the best value for taxpayers.

News Release: Brun-Way Group Joint Venture preferred proponent to complete Trans-Canada Highway (04/12/08)

A total of 14 teams made up of New Brunswick Department of Transportation employees, as well as other provincial government agencies invested 10,500 person-hours of work to ensure a fair, comprehensive and transparent selection process.

A committee of deputy ministers supervised the process and final decisions have been made by the Executive Council. To insure the integrity of the process, rules regarding conflict of interest and absolute confidentiality have been applied to all participants.


The Four Lane Trans-Canada Highway in New Brunswick

NB Department of Transportation
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Fredericton, N.B. CANADA  E3B 5H1
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