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The White Paper report

Students in lab

The provincial government has released the report on its White Paper on Post-Secondary Education process.

In the 2004 throne speech, the provincial government committed to prepare a white paper on post-secondary education and on June 29, 2004, announced the start of this process at a news conference.

The white paper process examined a range of issues, including cost and access, career prospects of graduates, provincial population changes, collaboration between the university and the College of the North Atlantic , as well as location, funding and governance of the two public institutions.

Memorial's input

The process included consultations with key stakeholders in post-secondary education in the province. The commissioner also invited written submissions from these groups.

A number of Memorial University units were invited to deliver formal presentations to the Commission on Public Post-Secondary Education in Newfoundland and Labrador including the Senior Executive Committee of the university, the Board of Regents and the Senate.

Their reports are available here as PDF documents:

In addition, other university organizations made submissions to the White Paper commission: