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(September 7, 2000, Gazette)

30 years ago
First graduate studies dean

September 1970 – Dr. Frederick Aldrich is appointed the university’s first dean of graduate studies. A member of the faculty at Memorial since 1961, Dr. Aldrich’s contributions are in the development of science teaching and research, particularly marine sciences. In 1966 he was appointed director of the Marine Sciences Research Laboratory at Logy Bay.

In other news, the first woman is appointed to Memorial’s Board of Regents. Mrs. Geraldine Molloy of Grand Falls is one of 11 people appointed to the board by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. Mrs. Molloy is a graduate in home economics of St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia.

25 years ago
Book honouring Dr. Seary

September 1975 – Memorial publishes a book in honour of
Dr. E. R. Seary, former head of the Department of English and, since 1970, holder of the Henrietta Harvey Research Professorship. A Festschrift for Edgar Ronald Seary: Essays in English Language and Literature presented by colleagues and former students includes a biographical article on Dr. Seary by G. M. Story, a poem dedicated to Dr. Seary by A. A. Macdonald, an unpublished excerpt from a novel by Paul West, and 12 scholarly essays on aspects of literature and language.

In labour news, the university and the Newfoundland Association of Public Employees local 7801 sign a collective agreement covering maintenance employees. The agreement is for one year and provides for an overall increase of $1.10 per hour for non-trades, $1.73 per hour for tradesmen and $1.40 to $1.50 for stationary engineers. Salaried employees receive a basic increase of $1,350 plus one step adjustment April 1, 1975, and a further step Oct. 1, 1975.

20 years ago
Enrolments rise

September 1980 – There is an overall 12.3 per cent increase in undergraduate enrolment for the fall 1980 seminar, with enrolment at the Sir Wilfred Grenfell College in Corner Brook rising by 20.5 per cent. This semester there are 1,690 first-year students and 4,292 senior division students. Part-time studies has an enrolment of 1,412.

In other news, MUN folklorist and professor emeritus Dr. Herbert Halpert is honoured by the publication of a collection of essays. The publication, Folklore Studies in Honour of Herbert Halper — a Festschrift, was edited by former department head Dr. Kenneth St. Goldstein and Dr. Neil Rosenberg, director of the Folklore and Language Archive. The work includes a biographical sketch of Dr. Halpert, a complete bibliography of his workers and 26 scholarly essays.

15 years ago
Pharmacy program takes off

September 1985 – Dr. Gerald R. Duncan is leaving his position at the University of Toronto to assume his new role as head of the university’s new School of Pharmacy. During the first year, his appointment will be part-time, with 50 per cent of his time spent on duties at Memorial. His full-time appointment will take effect next year when the School of Pharmacy accepts its first student into the program.

As fall semester begins, student enrolment increases again with an increase of about 1,000 full-time undergraduate student and an increase of at least 10 per cent of the graduate student population.

10 years ago
Labour difficulties resolved

September 1990 – New university president Dr. Arthur May is pleased that the university has reached new collective agreements with security, maintenance and custodial personnel covering the next three years with wage increases ranging from about 22 to 32 per cent. A tentative agreement has also been reached with food service workers, who have been on strike against Marriott Corporation since mid-summer.
The fall enrolment shows a dramatic increase of seven per cent, compared to the expected two per cent. Enrolment has increased in nearly every student category and location where Memorial offers courses.

Five years ago
17th-century street discovered

September 1995 – Dr. James Tuck and his archaeological team are continuing to make exciting discoveries at the Colony of Avalon site in Ferryland. This month they uncovered a cobblestone street built at about the same time the colony was established in 1621.

In the earth sciences area, two groups of third-year students had a unique experience in late August each spent two days cruising around Conception Bay on Memorial’s research vessel, the M.V. Nain Banker. The marine-based field school gave students a first-hand look at seismic profiling and other sample collection techniques.