International Military Training and Policy

The Directorate - Military Training & Cooperation (DMTC) administers a key instrument of defence diplomacy that advances Canada's contribution to international peace and security. DMTC develops policy and implements training programs to meet the government's foreign and defence policy objectives. These training programs expand and reinforce Canada's bilateral defence relations, while raising its national profile on the world stage.


The DMTC key objectives of are to direct military training assistance to:

Enhance peace support operations interoperability among Canada’s partners to lessen the operational burden on Canada

The DMTC three pillars of training allow foreign participants to gain appropriate skills to function in multi-lateral peace support operations. Indeed, by:

Enhancing their ability to communicate in English/French;

Improving their understanding of democratic control over the armed forces and their professionalism;

Developing their capacity to undertake multi-lateral peace support operations;

DMTC participants develop their capabilities to operate effectively in joint missions with the CF and other allies. Such interoperability benefits the CF by promoting burden sharing; increasing the number of countries that can effectively operate in joint missions or even takeover for the CF.

Expand and reinforce Canadian bilateral defence relations

DMTC training activities allow for the expansion of bilateral defence relationships and development of mutual training activities with member nations and allies, while laying the foundation for future cooperation ventures.

Promote Canadian democratic principles, the rule of law and the protection of human rights in the international arena

Through a variety of educational courses, language and skills training, along with interactions with Canadians through pre-established cultural programs and selected Canadian focused activities, foreign participants are exposed to, and obtain an understanding of, Canadian values and principles in military establishments and citizens.

Achieve influence in areas of strategic interest to Canada

The provision of training to foreign nationals provides Canada with access to senior officials abroad and allows a concrete demonstration of Canadian values, perspectives and objectives. Further, not only do foreigners receive the opportunity to learn about Canada, but DND/CF staff also obtains the opportunity to learn about foreign military members and gains insight to their cultures and perspectives. This promotes common understanding and closer relationship.Strategic Relevance

DMTC administers a modest program with broad benefits; the multifaceted training it offers returns great value for a minimal investment. Particularly, MTCP allows the following:

Build the capabilities of member countries to democratically manage their militaries, following a uniquely Canadian style

MTCP-trained countries are likely to cooperate with, and offer the CF access to their country and their forces

Canadian diplomatic and military representatives find it considerably easier to gain access and exert influence in countries with a core group of Canadian-trained professional military leaders

Not only do MTCP courses result in the expanded capacity of recipient countries, but also increase the number of qualified troops available for PSO deployments with the UN and other multilateral organizations


The Military Training and Cooperation Program (MTCP) precedes DMTC and originates in international agreements made during the early 1960s. It was originally mandated to provide military advisors and training assistance to selected newly independent non-NATO Commonwealth nations. As the Program eventually developed into a full directorate reporting to the Director General -- International Security Policy, its mandate evolved to reflect the changing times and now includes a broader range of developing, non-NATO countries.DMTC facilitates what is often the CF’s first or only point of contact with developing regions of the world. In doing so, it:

Acts as an international point of contact

Develops, coordinates, and implements aspects of defence policy

Is part of 3D policy – Defence, Diplomacy, Development

Enhances reciprocal relations between Canada and allies