About the Defence Engagement Program

Thank you for your interest in the Defence Engagement Program (DEP). The application window for academic awards and the first round of Targeted Engagement Grants for 2013-2014 is now closed. Please continue to monitor this website for updates about the opening of the next application round.


The aim of the DEP is to help the Defence Team respond to the myriad of security challenges facing Canada by supporting projects on cross-cutting multi-disciplinary issues that affect not only the Department, but also its Whole-of-Government partners. To that end, the DEP will help the Department access external expertise that informs, confirms, and challenges the Defence Team's policy thinking.

The DEP will promote a multidisciplinary approach to security and defence issues by offering support to the Department's partners in academia, non-governmental organisations, think-tanks, and the private sector. Specifically, the DEP will:

  1. provide targeted engagement grants for individuals and institutions to conduct projects for academic activities, conferences, publications, or other initiatives that are directly relevant to the Department's engagement priorities; and,
  2. provide awards, such as fellowships and scholarships aimed at supporting candidates pursuing master's, doctoral, and post-doctoral studies in security, defence, and/or defence management.