Housing Programs and Financial Assistance

CMHC’s role in housing includes providing federal funding for the construction, purchase and rehabilitation of suitable, adequate and affordable rental housing on reserve and improving the capacity of Aboriginal peoples in managing and maintaining their housing.

Acquiring or Building New Housing On Reserve

  • On-Reserve Non Profit Housing Program
    Assists First Nations in the construction, purchase and rehabilitation, and administration of suitable, adequate and affordable rental housing on-reserve.
  • Direct Lending
    Provides financing and renewals for eligible social housing projects, offering the lowest average financing rate available.
  • CMHC Insured Loans secured by a Ministerial Loan Guarantee (formerly known as Section 10 Loans)
    Band Councils or Aboriginal persons may access CMHC insured financing for the construction, purchase or renovation of single-family homes or multiple residential rental properties.
  • Seed Funding
    Grants and interest-free loans to cover some of the up-front costs of a housing proposal for projects that offer housing for seniors, the disabled and low-income Canadian households.
  • Proposal Development Funding (PDF)
    PDF loans assist with the initial costs of proposal development for projects that offer housing for seniors, the disabled and low-income Canadian households.

Renovation and Rehabilitation Programs

Employment/Skills Development Programs

Programs Supporting Homeownership On Reserve


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