Range of Career Possibilities

CMHC: My Career Choice

A career with CMHC gives you the opportunity to achieve your professional goals, while enhancing the lives of your fellow Canadians. Our mission of helping Canadians meet their housing needs includes various lines of business that create a range of career possibilities. We hire professionals with strong communication, analytical and collaboration skills in the following areas:

Core Functions

  • Aboriginal Housing
  • Assisted Housing
  • Capital Markets
  • Housing Policy Development
  • Housing Research
  • Market Analysis
  • Mortgage Loan Insurance
  • Securitization

Oversight Functions

  • Actuarial Analysis
  • Audit and Evaluation
  • Compliance
  • Finance/Controllership
  • Risk Management

Corporate Functions

  • Administrative Services and Support
  • Communications and Marketing
  • Corporate Relations
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Legal

Hear from our Employees

Our diverse opportunities and locations across the country enable you to advance and grow your skills, knowledge and career to match your evolving interests and experience. Here is what some employees have to say about why they’ve made CMHC their career choice.


My name's Nathan and I help CMHC make smart investments. CMHC is quite active in financial markets. So, right now I analyze the markets.

After working the private sector before joining CMHC – there's advantages to both sides –  but I think CMHC does offer a great work-life balance. One thing that struck me when I joined CMHC is how much focus there is on just your life outside of the workplace. We have a gym here. We have a library. We have daycare. We have a beautiful campus. It's just not something you find in every company.

I joined CMHC about a year and a half ago, and just in that amount of time I've seen opportunities crop up in our area for a variety of different roles. So, if you keep your eyes open there's always some new opportunity to try.

For me, working in financial markets isn't just about how much money you make for the company but it's more about being able to help Canadians with their day-to-day lives. In the group I work in we help people retire with some measure of dignity.

My name's Nathan and I choose CMHC for the possibilities. 


Because What I Do Matters

“Over my 15 years with CMHC, I’ve had multiple 'roles', doing completely different work, often in areas I didn’t know existed when I first joined. During all this time, it’s never been the same job, even when it’s been the same position for a length of time — different challenges, different projects, different initiatives.”

— Lance, Senior Market Analyst, Vancouver

Because What I Do Matters

“I work on different projects with different responsibilities that often put me out of my comfort zone. This gives me an opportunity to challenge myself and to rise to the occasion. At the end of the day, I am a better me, and a stronger me.”

— Jay, Senior Developer, Ottawa

Experience the choice and possibilities that come with a CMHC career. Browse current opportunities or sign up for job alerts.


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