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3M Chapter Achievement Award

Congratulations to IPAC-SWO, winner of the 2019 3M Chapter Achievement Award!

View Award Submission

The award, sponsored by 3M Canada Inc., is to recognize a Chapter's achievement(s) in promoting infection prevention and control in the health care settings across the continuum. The $1,500 award is to cover the costs of a seminar and/or other educational event hosted by the winning chapter. 

Submission Deadline: March 1, 2020

View 3M Award Archives


  • Demonstrates support of the goals and objectives of IPAC Canada
  • Clear statement of goals and objectives of the Chapter
  • Achievement of Chapter goals and objectives
  • The effective use of available resources including chapter members
  • Originality and clarity of submission
  • Other considerations that demonstrate the chapter's exceptional achievement during the award year


Submissions should include:

  • The previous calendar year's goals and achievements for the chapter as a group
  • As much detail as possible for each of the criteria for judging. For example, seminars conducted, dates of events, speakers, relevance to infection control, brochures, programs, educational material, photographs of projects and displays; (note : achievements should be related to IPAC Canada chapter initiatives (not individual work related activities) and should specifically be done by the Chapter (may be in partnership with other groups or organizations)
  • The geographic region represented, the number of members, as well as the level of participation of the general membership.


  • Information regarding the Chapter Achievement Award will be disseminated to the membership by:
    • broadcast email to IPAC Canada Chapter Presidents
    • circulating the guidelines to all Chapter Presidents in November and a reminder in the new year
    • posting on the website
  • An emailed copy of the submission including all attachments must be sent to the Membership Services Office by March 1 to facilitate distribution to and review by the judges; and a decision prior to the annual conference. Submissions must be in Word, pdf or PowerPoint format. Submissions must be no larger than 5 MB. Paper submissions will not be accepted.
  • The winning chapter will be announced at the annual conference; and, the original of the submission will be displayed at the IPAC Canada booth.
  • The 3M Canada Representative and Secretary/Membership Director will make the presentation to the winning chapter at the Opening Ceremonies of the Annual Conference.
  •  The award plaque will be retained by the winning chapter until 3 months before the next conference. The chapter will have a plate engraved with the chapter name and year of win. The winning chapter will return the plaque to 3M Canada prior to the annual conference.
  •  A copy of the winning submission will be kept in the archives.
  •  By October 1st , the chapter must submit to the Professional Services Advisor, Medical Surgical Products Division, 3M Canada Inc., London, Ontario, the objectives and outline, including dates of the education event(s) to which the funds will be used.
  • If no chapter submissions are received by the deadline, the award will be made available to IPAC Canada National for a specific educational event as described in #6.


  •  A member of the IPAC Canada Executive
  •  IPAC Canada Member of Membership Core Committee
  • IPAC Canada Member of Education Committee
  • 3M Canada Inc. Representative
  • If an above member of the judging panel is a member of a chapter which has made a submission to the award, the judge will be replaced by a member of another non-submitting chapter, at the discretion of the Executive Director.


  • The IPAC Canada Executive Director will provide each judge with a copy of each submission, the criteria, guidelines for submissions and a judging form (see Form #12).
  • Each judge will review the submissions, considering each of the judging criteria and ranking them in order of merit (first, second, third, etc.).
  • The completed judging form will be returned to the Executive Director by March 31.
  • The judging panel responses and decisions will be collated by the Executive Director. Original responses will be destroyed after 30 days. The summary will remain on file for a period of 7 years. Any member of the judging panel may review the summary, on request to the Executive Director.
  • In the event of a tie, a Chapter President randomly selected from those chapters not participating in the competition will operate as a fifth judge.
  • The Executive Director, in consultation with the Judging Committee, will forward a letter to each chapter outlining the areas noted as successful and the areas for improvement.

3M Chapter Achievement Award Criteria -Policy 17.20 (Revised July 2019)

Acceptance of this award does not constitute endorsement of 3M Canada products.