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CIC Chapter Achievement Award

Congratulations to IPAC GTA, winner of the 2019 CIC Chapter Achievement Award!

View 2019 Award Submission

This $750 education grant is an annual award to acknowledge the IPAC Canada chapter that has the largest increase of eligible* members who recertified- or became newly certified - from the Certification Board in Infection Control (CBIC) from January 1 to December 31st during the award year. The winning chapter will be announced at the Opening Ceremonies during each year's IPAC Canada National Education Conference.

Deadline for Submission: March 31, 2020

View CIC Award Archives


Chapters are awarded points on three different criteria, along with bonus points available to the chapter that shows the greatest percentage of eligible members achieving new certification:

  • Percentage of eligible members who obtained new CIC certification or who were recertified during the year.
  • Chapter activities promoting certification.
  • Professional appearance of the application.
  • Bonus points: Awarded to the chapter that shows the greatest percentage increase of eligible members becoming newly certified during the year.

*Chapters are responsible to poll their members to determine eligibility. Consult the CBIC Website: Consult the monthly Excel list of your chapter's current members (sent to Chapter Treasurers and Membership Directors). The list includes the current CIC status of chapter members, their last renewal year, and their eligibility (if known).

Send entire application form with your presentation to: