Discover More

Use this section as your career compass – pointing you to a range of programs and supports for youth and new professionals provided by the Ontario government and its many partners. Scroll through these resources and see what looks useful to you. We have provided direct links to other websites.

Not sure what kind of career you want?

Youth Connect There are numerous services available in Ontario to help youth get ahead. This site directs you to a host of them. It covers everything from personal challenges to education to finding a job or getting a driver's license.

Ontario Skills Passport The Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) provides clear descriptions of the Essential Skills and work habits important for work, learning and life. Essential Skills are used in virtually all occupations and are transferable from school to work, job to job and sector to sector.

Ontario Job Futures A publication providing information on the trends and future outlook for 163 occupations common in Ontario; a joint initiative of the Ontario and Canadian governments.

Choosing Your Occupation in Ontario Opening Doors helps you understand Ontario’s workforce trends. There is information for immigrants and internationally trained professionals, employers, students, job-seekers and guidance counselors.

Employment Ontario Learn about employment, education, skills, experience and training services offered in Ontario and find services offered in your area.
The website connects people looking for work with employers looking for workers.

Ontario WorkInfoNet Connects to hundreds of sites with job and career information for Ontario residents.

Distance Education The Independent Learning Centre offers help to make smart choices on education, training and career options.

Ontario Legislature Internship Programme A 10-month internship for recent university graduates provides practical experience in the day-to-day work of the Legislature.

Thinking of starting your own business?

Summer Company Program Helps students start-up and run their own summer businesses; offers hands-on business coaching, mentoring, and awards of up to $3,000

Northern Ontario Young Entrepreneur Program Providing young entrepreneurs (aged 18-29) the opportunity to develop business skills while assisting them with starting their own enterprises in the North

Your Guide to Small Business Everything you need to know to start up and run your own venture in Ontario

Small Business Enterprise Centres Entrepreneurs are provided with easy access to business consulting services and information covering management, marketing, technology and financing

Services for Business Provides business clients with the opportunity to register or renew their business, change their business information, apply for provincial and federal programs, and subscribe to a business information service

Business Plan Wizard A fun and interactive online e-learning application that teaches secondary school students how to develop a business plan. The Business Plan Wizard also helps introduce entrepreneurship to students as a career option.

Canada Business Ontario Provides access to accurate, timely and relevant information on federal and provincial business-related programs, services and regulations

Supporting Women’s Entrepreneurship Ontario Women’s Directorate works with business leaders and community organizations to encourage and support female entrepreneurship

More Info on Entrepreneurship Ontario Government website with lots of links.

Are you a newcomer or internationally trained professional?

Ontario Internship Program A paid, entry-level employment opportunity for recent college/university graduates that offers you career development in key professional fields across the Ontario Public Service. Internships are offered in Business and Financial Planning, Communications, Human Resources, Information and Information Technology, Labour Relations, Policy Development and Program and Service Delivery.

Ontario Legislature Internship Programme A 10-month internship for recent university graduates provides practical experience in the day-to-day work of the Legislature.

Ontario Job Futures Provides the most recent labour market information available in a range of occupations; also provides useful information for internationally trained individuals seeking to pursue their occupation in Ontario

Prepare To Work in Ontario A guide for new arrivals in Ontario with helpful suggestions on how to find work and make the best use of Ontario’s services

Newcomers to Ontario Information and resources on living and working in Ontario

Career Maps for Internationally Trained Individuals Career Maps provide detailed, step-by-step information on the assessment process, examinations and costs involved for licensing and certification requirements, and a summary of labour market conditions

Academic Credential Assessment for Internationally Trained Individuals An academic credential assessment is a tool to help you show employers, regulators and educational institutions in Ontario that your degree, diploma and schooling are of a level equivalent to Canadian standards

A Guide for Foreign-Trained Tradespeople Helps trades people to obtain recognition of their trade qualifications and experience, or to enter an apprenticeship

English as a Second Language/French as a Second Language Resources on existing ESL/FSL programs

Have you considered the skilled trades?

Earning and learning through apprenticeship Thinking about an apprenticeship? Find out more here

FAQs for Apprentices More information about apprenticeship

Loans for Tools Program Offers new apprentices a loan to help them buy the tools and equipment they need to perform the trade in which they are registered

What do you know about workplace safety?

Young workers Information from the Ministry of Labour on employment laws and protection of health and safety at work

Young Workers Awareness Program This program of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board promotes workplace safety for youth on the job.

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