Consumer Protection Ontario

Before, during or after you make a purchase, learn your rights and find the information you need to know to protect yourself.

Price gouging during coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Government of Ontario and the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS) is aware of price gouging activity arising in the Ontario marketplace because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are committed to protecting Ontario consumers.

If you’ve seen or experienced someone in Ontario selling necessary items people need during this difficult time, such as, disinfecting agents, personal hygiene products, masks or gloves, at inflated prices we want to hear from you.

The information you provide is a valuable starting point for us to take the necessary steps to stop this activity. 

Report price gouging related to COVID-19

Consumers can also report an individual who is price gouging by filing a complaint at 1-800-889-9768 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Rebuilding consumer confidence

Read how Ontario is taking action to strengthen protection and enhance business practices for the people of Ontario.

Icon of a house with a window and door.

Homes and renovations

Door-to-door sales, buying or renting a home or condo, hiring a mover, and starting a renovation.

Icon of a paper contract with a pen signing at the bottom.

Contracts and memberships

Signing a contract, including wireless service plans or joining a gym or modelling agency.

Icon of a generic white car.

Driving and vehicles

Buying a car, getting car repairs, or getting towed.

Icon of a shopping cart with items in it.


Shopping in-store and online, reward points, gift cards, returns, warranties, and exchanges.

Icon of a credit card and cash with a dollar sign.

Credit, loans and debt

Payday loans, credit reports, and debt collection and settlement, including repossession of property.

Icon of a tree on a hill.

Funerals and arrangements

Planning a funeral, burial, cremation or scattering and what to do if you discover a burial site.

Icon of a generic passport.

Travel and entertainment

Ticket sales, booking a trip, buying a timeshare and information on Ontario’s movie rating system.

Icon of three people - depicting a family.

Families and relationships

Dating services and getting married.

Icon of a person wearing a face mask and hat.

Scams and identity theft

Protect yourself from common scams and identity theft, and learn what to do if you are a victim.

Icon of a person with a question mark thought-bubble above their head.

Take action

File a complaint against a business or search the Consumer Beware List.

Icon of the scales of justice inside of a briefcase.

For businesses

Information to help businesses comply with consumer protection laws and avoid consumer complaints.
Updated: July 20, 2021