Nova Scotia Department of Justice

Moratorium Placed on Street Checks of Pedestrians, Vehicle Passengers

The Minister of Justice has directed police across the province to suspend street checks of pedestrians and passengers in motor vehicles until further notice.


30 years of supporting youth in conflict with the law

The Nova Scotia Youth Centre directly supports the reintegration of youth back into the community through the delivery of mental health and education programs, skills training and restorative practices.


Restorative Justice

Megan and Carolyn's story is a powerful example of Restorative Justice working at its very best. It is a different way of delivering justice. It provides an opportunity for the victim and community to have a voice. It allows victims and community decide together on a just and fair outcome. Everyone has a say.


Outreach for Families of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

Justice Minister Mark Furey embraces Vanessa Brooks, whose sister, Tanya, was murdered eight years ago. Minister Furey announced establishment of the Family Information and Liaison Unit and the hiring of three community outreach specialists to provide support to families of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls.


Learning the L’nu-way

Nova Scotia Correctional Services staff across the province are learning about what it means to be Mi'kmaq.


Province to Improve Civil Weddings Program

More Nova Scotians will soon be able to get married by a justice of the peace. Government is improving the Civil Weddings Program and increasing the number of justices of the peace who can perform a civil wedding.


Nova Scotia's Approach to Cannabis Access to Estate Management Data

Cyber-Safety Act – legislation to protect victims of cyberbullying

The Cyber-Safety Act was introduced on April 25, 2013 to better protect victims of cyberbullying and hold cyberbullies accountable for their actions. The legislation will create the country's first Cyber SCAN investigative unit and allow families and victims to get protection orders from the court. School principals will also have clear authority to act against bullying or cyberbullying, on or off school grounds.

Press release

Fact Sheet - English Version | en français

The Province is Making Key Decisions About the Legalization of Cannabis

Latest Justice News

Operation Christmas Aims to Stop Impaired Driving

Dec. 04, 2019 - 12:11 PM

Government, law enforcement agencies, emergency services and MADD Canada are joining together again this holiday season to help keep impaired drivers off the roads.

2019 Medal of Bravery Recipients Honoured

Dec. 04, 2019 - 11:29 AM

Two Nova Scotia heroes received the province’s highest recognition for bravery at a ceremony held today, Dec. 4, in Halifax.

Partenariats avec le secteur public pour améliorer l'accessibilité

Dec. 03, 2019 - 10:56 AM

Le gouvernement s'est engagé à améliorer l'accessibilité et à créer des communautés accueillantes et solidaires.

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