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Ten Years after Rio

Putting Principles Into Action

Sustainable and Equitable Development - A Decade of Efforts

In June 1992, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) — the Earth Summit — in Rio de Janeiro, Canada designated the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) as a lead organization in implementing Agenda 21, UNCED's global environmental action plan for governments and communities. Following the announcement, IDRC undertook to build on the Earth Summit's ideas.

This online resource page highlights some of IDRC's contributions to sustainable and equitable development during the last decade. The examples, grouped according to Agenda 21's four sections, present only a tiny portion of the Centre's support to research for sustainable and equitable development in the decade since Rio.

A Decade of Efforts

IDRC and Agenda 21
An overview of sustainable and equitable development at IDRC from 1992 to today.

Looking Beyond the Environment
A healthy ecosystem is only one element of sustainable development. Equally important are access to decent health care and adequate education, to proper nutrition and a reasonable livelihood, to political power and accountable representation.

Balancing Use and Conservation
One of the key challenges of sustainable development is that so many interrelated, complex factors need to be taken into account. "Environmental protection" itself means preserving and defending. But it also implies supervision, conservation, and good management.

Putting People at the Centre
Achieving sustainable and equitable development requires everyone's participation. IDRC emphasizes a participatory approach to research — one that involves local people in defining problems and finding solutions.

Making Change Happen
For more than 30 years, IDRC has strived to equip people in the South with tools for change. The tools include technologies, new sources of information, and ways to build capacity.

Into the Next Decade
IDRC President, Maureen O'Neil, says that social innovation is key to sustainable and equitable development.

Resources and links
A Decade of Progress Since Rio (Background document on IDRC's Commitment to Sustainable and Equitable Development)
Agenda 21 online
WSSD Web site
SciDev Net`s Science and Sustainability homepage
The Quest for Sustainable and Equitable Development

Related Sites at IDRC
  • IDRC Research program
  • Reports online magazine 
  • Dossier: Local Solutions in the Global Water Crisis
  • Dossier: Conflict over Natural Resources
  • Recent IDRC books on sustainable and equitable development

  • Gender, Land and Livelihoods in East Africa
  • Management of Shared Groundwater Resources 
  • Managing Small-scale Fisheries
  • Seeding Soultions, Volume 2
  • Water: Local-Level Management
  • The Wellbeing of Nations
  • About IDRC 

  • IDRC homepage
  • Who we are
  • Program Directions  

  •  Documento(s)

    IDRC and Agenda 21 2001

    Looking Beyond the Environment 2001

    Balancing Use and Conservation 2001

    Putting People at the Centre 2001

    Making Change Happen 2001

    Into the Next Decade 2001

    A Decade of Progess Since Rio 2001

    The Quest for Sustainable and Equitable Development Some Regional Perspectives 2001

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