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Bill Carman

Identificación: 27612
Creado: 2003-04-07 13:51
Modificado: 2005-09-13 15:38
Refreshed: 2006-01-28 01:27

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Information and Communication Technologies

At the G8 Summit in Japan in 2000, G8 leaders agreed to establish a special initiative to address the digital divide between industrialized and developing countries. Later that year, the Digital Opportunity Task Force (DOT Force) was formed, bringing together representatives from G8 and developing country governments, private and not-for-profit sectors, and international organizations. Canada took a leading role in the Dot Force; Industry Canada chaired the task force and IDRC and Telesystem Ltd., a Canadian telecommunications company, served as members. The Dot Force officially ended on June 25 2002, when Canada presented a report card of the initiative's progress to the G8 leaders meeting in Kananaskis. (Comprehensive information can be found on the Dot Force website.)

IDRC's contributions to the Dot Force were shaped by the Centre's long commitment to information and communication technologies (ICTs) for development and by its partnerships with researchers and institutions in the South. This online resource page highlights the Centre's work in ICTs through links to feature articles, videos, a map, and research programs.

IDRC Meets The Dot Force
A feature article discusses some of the issues around the digital divide and IDRC's role as a member of the Dot Force.

Update: IDRC will support a new Centre for Connectivity in Africa.

Mapping Internet Traffic in Africa: The Lane Drain

The Internet: Out of Africa map is the first initiative to document the digital divide in Africa using international bandwidth as a measure of Internet activity. The map shows that most Internet traffic in Africa heads out to Europe and North America, instead of circulating within the continent. The lack of connectivity between countries has major implications for development efforts in Africa. The map, commissioned by IDRC, was launched at a meeting in May 2002 in Calgary at which members of the Dot Force finalized their report to be presented to G8 leaders in June. 

On Location: Web Videos from Senegal, Paraguay, and Uganda

The community telecentre is one way that developing countries can accelerate their participation in the information economy. These three videos, which can be watched on the web, each present a short telecentre "life-story ." In Senegal, Paraguay, and Uganda, the videos show how telecentres have both shaped and been shaped by their communities, and how they are helping to bridge the digital divide. 

IDRC and the World Bank Institute, both of which have rich experience in supporting telecentres, are co-producers of the videos. They are being distributed on a CD ROM, Bridging the Divides. Telecentres for Development, as resource material to support the release of the Dot Force report.

Reports Online Special Collection

Reports Online is a bilingual, electronic magazine about IDRC-supported projects and research in the developing world. This special collection brings together Reports feature articles about IDRC`s research partners working on ICTs for development. 

IDRC and ICTs for Development

IDRC's emphasis on the role of information in development began with the creation of an information sciences division in the Centre's first year of operations – 1970. Today, the Centre has a special "program area" devoted to Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D).

Related ICT Sites at IDRC
IDRC Books on ICTs
On Location: Web Videos (Bridging the Divides)
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