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    About us...
        Activity Reports
        The Secretariat
        The Steering Committee
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Catherine Cherrier Daffe

ID: 10319
Added: 2002-09-27 9:14
Modified: 2006-01-23 15:34
Refreshed: 2006-01-24 21:05

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About us...
The organization of SISERA as a secretariat with its own governing structure will make it easier to mobilize donors around common activities and objectives, while allowing each of them to have a say in its operation. In addition to IDRC, SISERA already has the support of other donors.
The Secretariat
SISERA comprises an Executive Director, a Secretary, two Program Officers, a Coordinator Program-Operations and two Assistants.
The Steering Committee
The Steering Committee of SISERA plays a key role in the design of the Secretariat’s strategy and implementation of its operations. Its supervisory role has included approval of:
  • the Work Programs and Budgets, Annual Reports, Special Reports submitted by the Secretariat;
  • the African economic research centers as Partner Institutions of SISERA;
  • the proposals for core grants submitted by Partner Institutions;
  • the recruitment of new staff;
  • the new collaborative agreements between SISERA and other organizations;
  • the formulation of the Secretariat’s future, etc.

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