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Catherine Cherrier Daffe

ID: 24591
Added: 2002-12-16 11:23
Modified: 2006-01-23 15:36
Refreshed: 2006-01-24 21:06

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SISERA and USAID are launching a research competition

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has approved a project entitled Strategic Analysis for Growth and Access (SAGA). The goal of the project is to provide support for African economic research. For the implementation of the project, three agencies have received grants that will support their respective programs of activities under SAGA.

SISERA, one of these agencies, will implement activities designed specifically for the delivery of the SAGA including the management of a research competition and of a technical assistance program to be delivered in collaboration with Cornell and Clark-Atlanta Universities(CU/CAU).



The Causality between Corruption, Poverty and Growth: a Panel Data Analysis 2004/06/29
Open file

Human Capital Outcomes in South Africa: The Role of Primary and Secondary Schooling Institutions 2004/06/29
Open file

Does Subsidy Removal Hurt The Poor? 2004-29-06
Open file

The Impact of Education Quality on Rates of Return to Education in Namibia 2004-28-06
Open file

Les Déterminants de la demande d’éducation primaire, des abandons et des performances scolaires au Sénégal 2004-06-29
Une analyse combinant des données d’enquête auprès des ménages, des écoles et des communautés urbaines et rurales. Open file

Understanding Total Factor Productivity Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Countries 2004-06-29
Open file


2005-07-11 9:00 (Ottawa)
Annual SAGA Meeting (2005)
The second annual meeting of the researchers was held on July 11-14, 2005, in Dakar, Senegal

2005-10-10 8:30 (Ottawa)
Workshop on Analysis Poverty for Policy Making in Africa
SISERA organized a workshop in Dakar from October 10 to 14, 2005 (French speaking participants)

2006-01-24 9:00 (Ottawa)
Annual Saga Meeting (2006)
The Third Annual Saga Meeting will be organized in Dakar on January 24-25, 2006.

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