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Nagla Salem
Lorra Thompson
Doaa Arafa

ID: 61851
Added: 2004-07-04 4:31
Modified: 2005-08-11 3:33
Refreshed: 2006-01-24 14:26

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WDM Forums

 The Water Demand Management Forum

IDRC recognized in the early 1990s that water demand management (WDM) is a tool that can alleviate pressure on water resource use, while contributing to poverty reduction, better health, sustainable agriculture and social equity. A number of research projects began to test this hypothesis and to study the issue in-depth, considering its relevance for the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region.  The number of researchers increased to such an extent that a formal WDM Research Network was established in 1998.  The purpose of the network was to enhance applied research and the effective dissemination of research findings to policy makers, water end-users and the general public. It was envisaged as a multi-donor funded network that would provide an institutional mechanism for sustained support on research promotion and capacity building. Following a two-year period and a review of the Research Network, it was decided to refocus activities toward enhancing the participation and knowledge of policy makers.

In 2000, an extensive needs assessment was undertaken by IDRC with a visit to policy-makers within five countries of the region. This survey intended to consider the relevance and importance of an extended WDM initiative that aimed to directly influence water resources policy. A new strategy consequently developed whereby the project would continue as a series of Forums on priority issues to promote WDM higher on the policy-makers agenda, thereby dissolving the Research Network. 

The WDM Forums were executed over a two-year period (May 2001 – July 2003) and covered the priorities identified by government representatives. The project goal was to improve the effective use of scarce water resources for the benefit of the people in MENA countries involved in the Forum, to establish WDM as a recognized practical and viable complementary strategy to supply-driven options, and to help prepare an enabling environment for the development and adoption of WDM practices. The following forums were held: Wastewater Reuse (Morocco, March 2002), Water Valuation (Lebanon, June 2002), Public-Private Partnerships (Jordan, October 2002), Decentralization/Participatory Irrigation Management (Egypt, February 2003).

The forums were able to provide a platform to enrich current knowledge, exchange experiences and determine future needs on key issues in WDM.  In total, over 500 representatives from government institutions participated in the forums, including Director-Generals and in a few cases, the Ministers themselves. Participation ranged from preparing and delivering case studies, to attendance at the plenary and/or working sessions. Over 11 countries were represented, which increased the knowledge and experience exchange for both within and among the countries. Donors from over 25 organizations were also present, which added to the visibility of the WDM Forums and increased synergies among the agencies.

The principal co-funders of the WDM Forums were the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the United Nations Development Programme through its Special Unit for Technical Development among Developing Countries (UNDP-TCDC) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). USAID Morocco, GTZ Jordan, Japanese Embassy (Jordan), the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation and the Lebanese Ministry of Energy and Water also provided parallel funding and in-kind contributions for individual Forum events. The World Bank, UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Arab States, and the World Water Council provided contributions through the active participation of staff.

The achievements of the WDM Forum were publicized further to the largest international gathering of water managers, funding agencies and practitioners at the Third World Water Forum in Kyoto in March 2003. The WDM Forum collaborated with its partners to co-organize the Mediterranean and Middle East Day on institutional reform. 

The main results from the Forums can be summed up as follows:

  • Increased awareness and enriched knowledge for over 500 attendees in priority issues of WDM;
  • Set the stage for a regional exchange and understanding of WDM challenges and opportunities;
  • Active participation of high-level decision-makers in preparing and delivering about 30 case studies;
  • Information and dissemination campaign including distribution of newsletters and email news flashes;
  • Website development, publication of a CD-Rom and brochures that provide detailed information and copies of all outputs from the forums;
  • Successful mobilization of sufficient resources to extend forum participation and donor coordination on key water issues in MENA;
  • Close collaborative and partnership arrangements with multilateral and bilateral institutions.

More Forum information, including case studies from the countries, can be found in the WDM Forum archived section.

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