Probes of BC Ferries

In carrying out its role as watchdog, the Commission may launch a probe. This could be a question of clarification formally put to BC Ferries by the Commission, or a longer line of enquiry, possibly leading to a corrective order.

If you as a member of the public have information suggesting how the performance, service quality, efficiency or productivity of BC Ferries could be improved, the Commission would be pleased to hear from you. Efficiency in ferry services helps keep down both ferry fares and government subsidies. Based on your input or entirely on its own initiative, the Commission could launch a probe.

The table below contains a list of recent probes. The Commission is publishing BC Ferries’ responses. You will find them by clicking the link in the topic column or through the expanded button list on the left.

Probe Topic

Date Initiated


Departure Bay Tendering Process

October 2007

Independent Contractors and Businesses Association

Bowen Island Service Quality

October 2007

Deputy Commissioner, following a number of customer complaints

Regulation of Assured Loading

October 2006


Adequate Crewing on Queen of Burnaby, Comox-Powell River Route

July 2006

Customer (was refused boarding on last sailing)

Tax Credits for Ferry Commuters on Monthly Passes

July 2006 (updated May 2007)

Commuter on BC Ferries’ Langdale to Horseshoe Bay route

Six Questions on BC Ferries’ FY2004/05 Report to the Commission

February 2006


Reasons for Sailing Cancellations, FY2004/5 compared to FY2003/4

November 2005


Administrative Overhead Increase

November 2004


Capital Expenditure Near Swartz Bay Terminal Boundary

November 2004

Deputy Commissioner

Bond Issues: use of proceeeds and solvency of BC Ferries

October 2004

Member of Powell River Community Coalition

Chronic Tardiness on Route 25 (Port McNeill-Alert Bay-Sointula)

February 2004

Alert Bay Councillor


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