Access key = X for the navigation bar Access key = Y for the secondary navigation menu Access key = Z to skip all navigationOfficial logo of the Canadian Grain Commission / Logo officiel de la Commission canadienne des grains Government of Canada


 Annual licensing fees

 Application checklist

 Applying for a license

 Categories of unlicensed grain companies

Classes of licences and definitions


 Reporting requirements

 Services for licensees

 Your responsibilities as a licensee

 Contacts for licensees

 Licensing information for licensees

 Payment protection information for producers

 Canada Grain Act

 Canada Grain Regulations

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Licensing information for licensees

Application Checklist for Licensees

Before applying for a Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) licence, you must first complete a Mode of Operations questionnaire and mail it to the Licensing and Security Unit at the address below. CGC staff will then determine whether or not you should be licensed, and if so, which type of licence you should hold: grain dealer; primary elevator; process elevator or transfer elevator. You will be contacted about the CGC's decision, then you can proceed with your licence application.

Use this application checklist to make sure you have completed and enclosed the pertinent CGC forms and documentation before sending us your application. Mail in your forms and documentation as they are completed rather than waiting until you collect all the necessary information.

Application checklist

Application for Elevator Licence

Application for Grain Dealer's Licence

Authorization-Specimen Signatures form

One of the following:

Bond form with two signatures and corporate seals

Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit or Guarantee

Payables Insurance*

Cash Deposit**

Copies of the following Articles of Incorporation:

Letters Patent Incorporating or Articles of Incorporation

Letters Patent

Articles of Continuation

Articles of Amalgamation

Articles and Amendment

Bound, original set of most recent audited and signed year-end financial statements

Certified copy of current insurance policy (in it's entirety) for primary, terminal or transfer elevators

Written confirmation from financial institution of operating line of credit

Draft receipts and tickets for grain received:

Grain receipt

Cash purchase ticket

Combined primary elevator receipt

Copy of scale Device Inspection Certificates issued by Measurement Canada for primary, process, terminal and transfer elevators

List of "Agents"**

Cheque payable to Receiver General for Canada for the following annual licence fees:

Primary elevator - $60.00 per elevator

Process elevator - $1,200.00 per elevator

Terminal Elevator - $1,200.00 per elevator

Transfer elevator - $1,200.00 per elevator

Grain dealer - $1,200.00

* International insurance broker, AON Reed Stenhouse and the CGC have developed a payables insurance policy that replaces the bond, letter of credit or guarantee that licensees are required to post with the CGC. Zurich Insurance Canada underwrites the payables insurance to cover licensees not meeting their payment obligations to producers. The policy has been written to be consistent with all aspects of the current security program. To participate, a licensee must provide financial information as part of the application and qualification process.

** For more information, please contact CGC Licensing and Security at 1-800-853-6705 and ask for Licensing and Security, or call directly at (204) 983-3277.

Mail your documents to:

Canadian Grain Commission
Licensing and Security Unit
601-303 Main Street
Winnipeg MB R3C 3G8

Last updated: 2006-08-21