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Home : Business Tools & Guides : The Inventors Guide

The Inventors Guide

Websites for Inventors

Everything (or almost everything) you always wanted to know about inventing is available on the following websites.

Canadian Sites

Canadian Innovation Centre
On this website you will find an entire section devoted to 'Innovator Services' for inventors.
http://www.innovationcentre.ca This link leaves our Web site

An information service that links universities, affiliated research institutes, colleges, technical institutes and centres of excellence across Canada. Its purpose is to enhance technology and expertise transfer from higher education institutions to Canadian business, especially small and medium-size enterprises. The 'Technology Commercialization Toolbox' is a useful guide for individual inventors and companies.
http://www.strategis.ic.gc.ca/SSG/tf00008e.html This link leaves our Web site

Other Web Resources

Inventors Digest Online
A useful general website on happenings in the area of inventions and inventing.
http://www.inventorsdigest.com This link leaves our Web site

What You Need to Know About Inventors
Another useful general site on inventions and the process of inventing.
http://inventors.about.com/science/inventors/mbody.htm This link leaves our Web site

Lemelson-MIT Program Invention Dimension
This site includes the Inventor's Handbook, as well as a list of resources for inventors (mainly books).
http://web.mit.edu/invent/ This link leaves our Web site

Inventor Education
Education and news for inventors.
http://www.inventored.org This link leaves our Web site